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As the Ceo watches the the door slam shut by the member he then sits back down on to his chair.

"If only you know what your members truly thought of you....*sighs* please get well soon, hakyeon-ah...."

(Flashback to 1 month before hakyeon's incident)

Hakyeon had arrived just in front of their CEO's door sighing before knocking on it.

"Come in"

He then enters the room greeting the elder.

"Oh!hakyeon it you,please have a seat.What bring you here?Considering that you rarely come visit my office unless its regarding something very important."

"Ah yes....something important..." hakyeon muttered while he faces down with a sorrowful expression that didn't go unnoticed by the later..

"What wrong Hakyeon-ah?"

"Nothings wrong...."

"Hakyeon,i have known you since your trainee days.Tell me whats wrong.I may be able to help you."

"Well,i am considering on quitting Vixx.After so many years,i have come to a conclusion that i am not suited for the position and job as both a leader and an Idol." He states as he tries to avoid eye contact with the man in front of him.

The ceo sat there with his eyes widened and stunned at what the boy was telling him.

"Wh-why? Why would you want to give up? Isn't this your dream career?Isn't this what you have always wanted to do?not to mention you fought and worked extremely hard just to debut during Mydol "the Ceo asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"I...umm...it was my dream but now it has turned into a nightmare.I feel unappreciated and unloved by both my members and fans.They criticized me and sometimes fans would comment on our fancafe requesting that i leave the group since i am....untalented,stupid and annoying.....i too knew that the reasons i just gave is not enough to justify my request on leaving the group and also i was supposed to bear all of this criticism with a strong facade as an idol but this has gone on for too long....i...cannot keep this up anymore...i tried....i tried to be someone the members and fans could look up to and love but instead i received the opposite treatment that i adored to have." Hakyeon says as he breaks down in front of the CEO.

"Hakyeon...look at me."

The younger was scared and reluctant but somehow managed to lift his head up to face the Ceo.

"You are probably one of the strongest group leader in this harsh industry.True,you bore this burden since your group's debut or should i say since the mydol stage but please do not quit or give up.I can give you a break if you'd like,i mean since you have worked hard for so long,bearing all the criticism ,facing all the problems with such professionalism and also most of all taking care and being there for your members during harsh times.The members need yo-"

"No they don't....they said it themselves once that they would rather follow leo's orders than mine because i was clingy and disgusting.They would avoid me whenever i was trying to console them after a day's hard work.They pu..pushed me away" more tears start falling down his now distorted face due to him crying and talking at the same time.

The elder looked at him with pity and sadness.

"Hakyeon...I didn't know they would go that far but i seriously think that you should reconsider on the idea of quitting.They really need you,Vixx needs you.I know it hakyeon ah.Trust me.please think about it.As your Ceo i will do something about the fans comments on you and also i will try to talk to the members when i can.So,can you hang in there for me?"

Hesitantly hakyeon nods while droplets dropped onto his jeans.

Just as he was about to leave,

"Please think about it...also please take it easy with yourself...remember,you still have that illness with you.You refused any check ups for the past 4 years and the least you could do for me was take it easy."

With that hakyeon leaves quietly......

To be continued......

Thats right~ the ceo is not a bad guy who only thinks about making profit~ he just cares as much for N's wellbeing

The next chapter may be in N view therefore in conclusion,it will still be part of the flashback...hopefully since i am still sorting the plot out.

Sorry for this boring chapter though.

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