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In this chapter,it will revolve around our dear N + his povs

Also,would like to say HAPPY LEO DAY~♡


'Hyung,you're seriously the worst.I've seen better group leaders.'

'What can you do seriously? All you do is try to act cute even when you're not and being all up on people's business.'

'Hyung,don't you have other friends to hang out with?'

'Can't believe we have such an annoying and narcissistic leader.'

'True....its so disgusting to even look at him hahahaha'

After a night of rest due to the surgery he had beforehand, N suddenly woke up that early morning with a jolt due to his recurring nightmares and 'voices' in his head belittling him.

"Stop....stop...stop please...i beg you.....I'm sorr-argh..aishhh...my head hurts....where...where am i?"

N looks around him while trying to ignore the throbbing pain on his bandaged head.

Then he looks down on his hands and arms.Slowly bringing them up close to his face,then tears started flowing down his face.

"I'm disgusting.Why can nobody understand me?Why do nobody love me for who i am? Why can i ever be appreciated?" His quiet sobs became louder.

A nurse then rushed in the room looking worried over the latter's condition.

"Hakyeon-sshi ,you're awake.How are you feeling?Is there anything wrong? Are you hungry?I can call the doctor if you'd like." The nurse asked hakyeon but yet he doesn't responds and rather,he just continues crying while hugging himself in a protective manner.

Just the mere sight of him being this way made the nurse look at him in pity.

Instead of just standing there and staring at him,she then decides to cut some apples for the latter to eat since she figured that he was hungry.After cutting,setting up the portable table over his lap,she was not careful and left the knife that she cut the apples with on his table.She left afterwards to clean and put away his laundry.

Looking down at the food served with no interest what so ever.His gaze on the food then shifts to the knife beside it.

'Do it hakyeon ah~ it'll feel good~'

'Come on just do it.All the pain will go away'

'Its fun hakyeon ah~'

'Nobody needs you here,might as well just end it since you failed last time'

'Yeah he's right,you failed at your last attempt! Look at what your last attempt brought you to!you're such a failure.A screw up.'

'Do it better this time.'


'Vixx doesn't need you.'

'You're better off alone~'

He stops crying,too busy lostening to his evil contions in his head and unconsciously he reaches for the knife and brought it close to his left palm.

"Nice.and.deep"N repeats before slashing his palm deep.

"Better off dead." a second cut was made.

"Vixx and starlights do not need me" third slash.

"I need to do a better job.Dead is what i should've been...."fourth cut was made.

Just as he was to give himself his fifth cut,the nurse came in and saw the horrific sight before her very appearance.She quickly rushed to his side taking the knife away from him.


N on the other hand,while being scolded and treated by the nurse,he just stays there,not protesting the nurses help but instead looks at his bleeding palm while smiling creepily.

"What a nice red colour I'm producing....nice red....colour.....feels good...feels great"

The nurse felt shivers down her spine and couldn't help but frown at his comment on his bleeding arm.

Broken...that's what he is right now.He finally lost himself.He gave up fighting a while ago and that had brought him to become what he is now.

The members.They realised a little bit late.Hakyeon had believed that nobody can save him from his depressed,sick self anymore while his members still hold hope for his recovery.........

'Please save me.Save me from myself.Save me from my nightmare.I want to sleep.Sleep forever.No.Somebody please save me.'



alright so...this is on what had happened to hakyeon before in chapter 10.

I would like deeply apologize for my writing skill but nevertheless,enjoy.


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