(4) Awake

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Hey~ i feel happy today because the members acknowledged me and talked to me.Although it was only about work,i feel really satisfied~

Not to mention,ken and hyuk played around with me just now.All of them accepted the offer that i treat them their favourite gopchang for dinner although i hated it.

As long as the members are happy,I'm happy too~

I hope this keeps up!


The members kept reading and they noticed that the further they move in to the pages,the more depressing the contents get and more tears decorated the pages with a tinge of red which they suspected was Hakyeon's blood.

The members didn't even notice the tears that were constantly sliding their faces.

"We should really apologize to N hyung as soon as he wakes up...and also pay more attention and time with him" ken stated the obvious to what they were supposed to do in the first place.

"Wha- what if he..he never wakes up?"ravi muttered.

Leo then hits ravi on the back of his head softly as he was in no mood and had no energy left after all that has happened.

"He will wake up.He's strong...he..he's not the type to give up and we shouldn't give up too.There's still hope." Leo said in a soft voice.

"We should get to bed now and visit N tomorrow morning.Hopefully he will wake up from his coma..."

The younger agreed and went straight to bed after taking their baths.

(Next morning)

They all woke up,did their usual morning routines and had breakfast.All of them headed and went into their vans where their manager is to drive them to the hospital to visit their leader as discussed the night before.

The boys' schedule were all cancelled by the CEO for who knows how long considering the state their leader was in.

As they arrived,they went to the counter to register and quickly walked over to N's room.

There he laid in the hospital bed clad in an all white gown(hospital gown) still with all the wires and machines attached all over him,just like the day before.

His heart beat was very slow and weak as shown in one of the monitors.

The doctor then comes in with a nurse who went to check up on hakyeon.

"Good morning,I am Dr.Hyunmin and i would like to apologize for not introducing myself yesterday.I would like to discuss with you all about your dear friend's future and conditions if you are not busy."

"No,we're not.We don't mind.Please just tell us if he's going to wake up anytime soon or not." Leo said as he was eager to know the fate of his life long friend as the others just listens on.

"Okay,good to know.First of all, hakyeon-sshi will require to stay in the hospital for possibly 5 months or more which includes intensive therapy..."

The members then widen their eyes at the news.


"He had damaged himself greatly.To be more exact,his condition is tremendously unstable.Both mentally and physically.I believe you all remembered what i told you yesterday.He has lost a lot of blood and this problem has caused his body to be frail.Next would be that he was also diagnosed with severe depression and anorexia.It is because of this that  he is required to be monitored most of the time since he has the ability to harm himself greatly.Possibly by attempting suicide"

With the mention of suicide,the members all gulped in fear of losing their leader.

"Lastly,the self harm cuts that he inflicted on himself were mostly infected as his skin has started having difficulty in healing itself especially the old wounds due to a poor aftercare....if the infection was not treated any sooner,it would have consumed his arms and thighs which could risk his limbs into being amputated."

Just then they heard a rustling sound just behind the doctor.......



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