(9)Get better?

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"We...umm...its our fault....we hurt him.....throughout the years,he took care and loved us for who we were while we on the other hand pushed him away and insulted him constantly ...We thought it wouldn't affect him since he was always quick to shrug negative words and actions thrown to him."leo exclaimed in a sad tone,regretting his actions towards his same aged friend.

"We had forgotten that he was only human too and was also inconsiderate towards him.We are really sorry for what we have done...is there a possibility that he will be back yo how he was before?"hongbin asked while the others just kept their mouths shut.

Turning his head back to look at Hakyeon the doctor sighs"I see,so that was the case...i believe this torment went on for more than 5 years now?since your trainee days i believe?Because of that,i am not even surprised to see him act and become so broken.I am not to sure if he'll even be fully cured.His depression and anorexic condition will not just disappear like dust you know,considering on how long he had suffered.Although,you all can try to bring him back by starting to treat him like how he was supposed to be treated in the first place.I must also warn that his condition is just too unstable.May i suggest that the person who at least show him some compassion once in a while to try to coax him?"

All the members then turned to look at ken to which he responds by gulping nervously.

He nods and starts to walk towards the leader's bed slowly in order to prevent startling the later.

"Ha-hakyeon hyu-hyung,its me ken,are you okay?" Ken manages to ask.

On the other hand the leader just sat there playing with his food and spoon like a 4 year old whilst ignoring the younger who asked him a question on his condition a while ago.

"Hyung?"ken calls him again while stretching arm out to hold N's hand in which he just retracts his arm while looking at ken with a terrified expression.

"Please...please leave me alone...I'll do better next time,I-i won't do it again,I-I'm so-sorry,I'll be a better person,I'll stop annoying you please don't hurt me,I'll disappear for you all,please go..leave me alone....leave me alone.."N whimpers while bringing his legs to his chest and hugs it thus rocking his body in a back and forth motion.

While doing so, the plate containing his uneatten breakfast drops on to the ground.

"I-IM SO-SORRY,I'LL FIX IT,I'M SORRY THAT I'M SO BURDENSOME,PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME,I'M SORRY,PLEASE DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE.."N screams upon hearing the plate drop then shattering on the ground but this time he was hyperventilating and looked like he was in immense pain.

"It hurts...it hurts....it hurts........"

To be continued....

This is quite boring if i may say so myself.....i had so many ideas and plots but i have a difficulty in arreaging them on which comes first or are better.I'm sorry.Please anticipate my next update.I'll try my best in the next upcoming one.

I'm also planning to have 2 types of plot for the story.Please tell me if you guys are okay with it.

But sadly this angst is well angst....i cannot guarantee a happy ending in these 2 plots.haha.....

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