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Just then they heard a rustling sound just behind the doctor.They all turned their heads towards the bed that held the dear body of their leader.

Seeing him, leo quickly rushed to his side followed by the others as he was attempting to get up but to no avail he plops back down to the bed not without grunting in pain.

"Hakyeon! You should just lie down and rest,don't be so reckless with your current condition!"

"Hyung,you're awake!"

"Hyung are you okay now?"

N,in turn did not react nor even acknowledged them.He lied down on the bed looking blank and emotionless.His eyes seemed soulless.It was almost just like a core with no soul.

"Kids,please settle down and do not bombard him with so many questions.Mind i remind you that he is still unstable and with all your shouting and screaming, it may cause him to be more stressed than he already is."Dr.Hyunmin sates as he scolds the young men.

"A-ah mianhe....." they all apologize while bowing .

"Hakyeon-sshi,are you alright? How are you feeling now"the doctor asked slowly to make sure N could register what he said.


No reply.

"I'm fine."N finally said his first few words until suddenly tears started flowing out of his left eye.

(I'm not to sure but some people have said that if tears only or mostly come out of the left eye,it indicates that the person is suffering from great emotional/mental pain(?) correct me if I'm wrong.)

"Plea-please.....get them out of here...i beg you....please"N begged as more tears slide down his face while grabbing and covering his head with both of his hands .

"Hakyeon ah...." leo whispered after hearing the reaquest.

"Hyung....please don't do this to us.We're sorry...we're sorry for what we have done...please let us stay with you."hyuk muttered while grabbing the leader's arm.

"Get OUT! NOW! ALL OF YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE! LET ME DIE!GET OUT! GET OUT!LET ME DIE! GET OUT!"N screams at all of them while swatting off the younger's grasp of his arm whilst continuing to chant for all his member to get out.

All couldn't process properly at what the leader said to them while acting in such a way.Hakyeon is a calm,cheerful and positive leader who loves joking around while giving them hugs in general but this hakyeon they are seeing right now is definitely not their leader but more like a 28 year old man throwing a tantrum worse than a 5 year old.

"Hakyeon hyung please keep calm"

"We beg you plea-"

"GET OUT!GET OUT! LET ME DIE! LEAVE ME ALONE! LEAVE ME ALONE I BEG YOU ALL!LET ME DIE! PLEASE JUST END MY LIFE! I GIVE UP! JUST END EVERYTHING! PLEASE END MY PAIN ! I BEG YO-" Hakyeon screams even louder while twisting his body around furiously before collapsing.

"Nurse!please prepare for an emergency operation"the doctor shouts as a nurse with her recruits came and pushed hakyeon's bed away."while you all,i strongly suggest to go back home to get some rest.We will inform you when anything happens"

"Doctor...what d-do... you mean by em-emergency op-operation?" Hongbin stuttered to ask the doctor.

"Well....we didn't tell you this yet because we weren't sure of it in the first place but when we checked and went over his examination and medical history,we found out that...."

To be continued....

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