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On the other hand,the 3 who were assigned to go back to jellyfish entertainment's headquarters arrived.Now standing in front of their Ceo's office,they all sigh in dissatisfaction before knocking on the door.

"......" no response.

"He's not around perhaps?"hyuk states

"Eh?but manager nim said that he's present today...was he wrong?"ken replies.

Leo knocked yet again,but had gotten no response.He then just decided to just open the door himself.

Just as he was about to turn the knob,

"Ah,you guys are here again.Is there anything wrong?"the Ceo suddenly appears behind them,making them jump slightly at the sudden appearance.The members hesitantly bowed and greeted the elder in front of them .

"Let's discuss whatever you want to discuss inside the office." The Ceo suggests while unlocking his door to invite the 3 Vixx members inside.

"Have a seat and state your business"

"S-sajang-nim hakyeon he...he.."ken stutters as he was trying to find the right words and explanation.Leo only sat there looking at him with an emotionless expression while hyuk tries to assist ken's explanation

"He threw a tantrum,hit himself on the head repeatedly,causing it to bleed while screaming and crying in agony then passing out after a needle shot on his arm?"the Ceo continued for ken.


Leo,no longer bore an expressionless face together with hyuk and ken,they gasp at the fact that their Ceo knew all that had happened awhile ago.

"H-how?"this time Leo ask while stuttering.

"To put it simply,i was there.I was outside looking through the glass window.I planned to visit him personally but it seemed like 5 of you beat me to it.After hakyeon passed out,i left before ypu all can see me.Is hakyeon that important to y-?"

"Yes.Of course he is.Why would you ask something as ridiculous as that?!" Hyuk interfered while glaring at the elder.

"Well if you did,you all would have treated him better no?Since he is in such a disastrous condition,he won't be able to partake in any activities and not only that but he won't be there to 'annoy' and be a 'busybody' for your problems right? No leader like Hakyeon.That's what you all wanted right?" the ceo grins menacingly while stating the truth.

Leo,ken and hyuk could only tremble and shake their heads to disagree.

"Well in that case,Leo.You be the leader of Vixx instead as the second oldest.I mean it should be quite easy right?"

Leo widened his eyes in shock and shook his head in disagreement profusely.

"No? Hmmm well then,what about you ken? You have the charisma and personality fit best for a leader~" the ceo spoke with poison in his tone

Ken too shook his head,refusing the offer while trembling in fear.

"You too? Ah,what about you hyuk? Since you always say that keeping a group in place should be easy and that Hakyeon is bad in organising and being responsible.I'm sure you will do a better job than him no?"

Hyuk trembled and started crying.

"Since 3 of you refuse to,its fine,I'll just assign the title to you Jung.Taek.Woon ah. After all,you all still need to go on for your group promos and shows"

Leo could only stare in shock.

To be continued.....

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