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Without any hesitation,

"Of course we need him.Hakyeon is important in our group.He's part of-"ken responds

"Before you say that he's part of Vixx.Answer me this if you don't mind.How was he treated?How did you all treat him? Like a leader?like a dear family member?"

Ken was frozen in his place,beads of sweat starts dripping down his face.

Leo,bitting down on his lower lip could only look at the ceo with a guilty expression whereas hyuk,sits there quietly sobbing.

"I would be lying if i were to say that i am not disappointed and angry with you all.With everything you have done to someone who always look out for you and cared for you during harsh times.You all treated him almost worse than an animal.Yet,despite all the harsh treatments he received from 5 of you and starlights,he still smiled and laughed along as if all that you have said was a friendly joke and that the glares you give him whenever he comes near as a form of affection.Sad isn't it?" The ceo mentions calmly while eyeing the 3 members in front of him carefully.

"We're sorry....we're very sorry....."leo finally breaks down crying while apologising to the man in front of him.

"I am not the one you hurt.There's no point in apologising to me.The one who you should apologize to is Hakyeon himself.I must also mention that even if you plan to apologize to him,its not going to bring him back to perfect health and also doing so may also be very difficult since i am sure you all know how he acts whenever you all go near or even appear before him right?"

The 3 nodded.The ceo wasn't wrong.Its true. During the 2-3 visits,all they have gotten was a violent and hostile reaction.Hakyeon would almost immediately act up violently,continuously chanting for the to leave him alone.

It was painful for them but whose the one in a real pain from all the shenanigans thrown at him?

"Now,i want you all to promote and go on as a normal group without Hakyeon.Secondly while doing so,fix what you have done.Did i make my words loud and clear?"


"You all may now leave."

Dejected,they stood up and left with a heavy heart.


(Back to the hospital)

"Excuse me."

"Huh?"squinting,hongbin twist and wakes up to the interference to his nap which then woke ravi up too.

"Wha...what happened" ravi mumbled,still blur towards his surounding just after waking up.

"Excuse me sirs.Please wake up.We have patched hakyeon-sshi up already.You may go in and visit now."A nurse informs them before leaving.

With that news both became wide awake and stormed towards N's room's door.

Both gulping while looking at each other nervously before twisting the door knob slowly before pushing it wide open.

Laid there unconscious with a new bandage around his head,both ravi and hongbin approaches and sits at the seats beside the bed.

Hongbin slowly took N's hand into his while caressing it softly while moving it towards him.

Ravi and hongbin didn't know what to do next and continued to stare at the sleeping leader before them.

Ravi noticed after staring for so long notices that the man in front of him no longer looked like their 'cheerful' and 'optimistic' leader before.

Rather he looked like a dead corpse.

Face sunken,skin pale and almost grey-ish in colour,various old healing self harm scars that covered in between his neck and upper chest area.

Its no wonder that their leader wore long sleeved shirts and turtleneck sweaters everyday even when it was summer.

He blamed himself for not noticing and paying attention to the later earlier when N was still considered 'save-able'.

Now all he could do was stare longingly for the leader to wake up, regain his health and be that supportive leader that they had before all this happened.

"Hyung....I'm sorry for everything I've done to you.I'm sorry for not returning your love.For not treating you better.For not being there when you needed somebody the most but most of all I'm sorry for not realizing the sacrifice you made for us,for vixx,for starlights..."hongbin cried out softly while gripping on to the older's hand tightly.

Ravi on the other hand,rubbed hongbin's back in hopes to calm and soothe the younger down.

Just then,hongbin's head shot up....


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