UsUk Part One: Our special Christmas gift

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Pacing nervously in the Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital in London, Arthur paced nervously in the corridors. Just outside of the delivery ward. Alfred watched his husband nervously pace back and forth. All though he seemed nervous, he was also excited. 

Alfred sighed and spoke up, " Artie!" 

Arthur paused for a moment and glanced at Alfred, " What?"

"Would you sit down? your starting to make me nervous too." Alfred added, patting the cushioned bench seat next to him.

Arthur stared at the spot and sighed inwardly before walking towards the spot, easing down into the seat. He started to rub his hands and check his old leather wrist watch. " How long has she been at it?" before Alfred could answer Arthur rambled on with more questions, " Do you think there will be complications!? will the baby be okay!? remember what they said, the mother was rather small-"

" Artie! take a breath!" 

Arthur stared at Alfred and slowly lost his words before inhaling slowly and blowing out heavily. 

"I'm sorry Alfred. I'm just...I just want things to go alright." He clasped his hands together and looked at the floor with a gentle expression. " We've both wanted this for so's already been five years already...." 

Alfred gave a comforting smile before taking both his hands, kissing one gently. " Yeah, I know. We just have to be patient. The baby will be here soon and we'll be holding the little one soon after. Okay?"

Arthur gazed at his lover, resting his head on Alfred's shoulder he smiled small and nodded. " Yes. I suppose you are right. I hate when you are right though."

Alfred chuckled. " Yeah, I know."

After an hour passed, Arthur was already fast asleep on Alfred's lap, using his winter coat as a blanket. A nice nurse that went by the name of Alice walked up to Alfred carrying a tray of hot tea for him. Although he disliked the beverage, he took it as a sign of thanks to the woman and held it firmly. His phone started to buzz in his pocket. 

Alfred sighs softly just from seeing who it was. 


"Hey is the baby here yet!? it's almost Christmas day!" inquired an excited Canadian.

Alfred sighed in disappointment. " No, not yet. The mother  is still in labor as we speak-"

Suddenly the doors from the labor ward swung open, a Nurse that had been helping with the delivery smiled, " Mr. Jones and Mr. Kirkland?" 

Alfred started to shake Arthur awake he sluggishly sat up but quickly blinked away the sleep, " Is the baby-"

The nurse nodded. " A healthy seven pounds 8-ounce baby girl~!" 

Alfred widened his eyes at hearing the news, as for Arthur he was already tearing up, turning to Alfred. " Did-Did you hear that love!? it's a baby girl! we have a daughter! and shes' healthy!"

Alfred started to nod while trying to grasp the situation before he spoke into the phone, " Baby's's a girl-"

"A GIRL! H-Hey everyone, it's a baby girl!" 

Alfred laughed a little from hearing the multiple voices in the background from what was the Christmas party they were at before having to leave for the hospital. Arthur tugged on Alfred's hand, " Com'on, we get to go see her in the nursery!"

Alfred nodded, " I gotta go!"

"Send pictures Al!" 

"Yeah, bye."

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