Spamano Part Three: Midsummer Nights dream

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(F/n) watched the newlywed couple slow dance in the center of the dance floor to some romantic song. Abel really smiled more than (f/n) had ever seen in her lifetime. On top of it, His bride Madeline looked beautiful in her dress. 

For (f/n), this was the end of her one-sided love towards Abel. And boy did it hurt. She clutched her chest feeling the subtle pain and decided it would be best to go out for a breather. Making her way out of the building into the grand garden of the old Spanish style mansion, (f/n) took a deep breath and released a shaky breath. 

"Heh...why does tonight have to look so pretty?"  (f/n) asked.

"Tis melancholy the night was," spoke up a male voice that made (f/n) jump. 

(f/n) turned around sharply and saw a rather tall young man that looked to be young. His black suit made him look much more clean-cut and sophisticated. Especially that charming smile he gave as he continued his sonnet. ", But alas, out of all the stars in the night sky, one shined brightly. That being you." 

(f/n) blushed lightly at his compliment towards her before inwardly scoffing at how terrible that supposed poem was. His steps drew closer towards her before he slowly slid his hands into the slacks pockets and looked up at the sky as well.

" Getting too stuffy in there?" he asked casually.

(f/n) peered at the guy before slowly nodded, " Mm, Yeah." 

He smirked a little and turned to face (f/n) before holding out his rather big hand that made (f/n)'s look tiny in comparison. That charming smile perked up as he answered, " I'm Alfred. Brother of the bride." he added the last part as to clear confusion.

(f/n) stared at him and eyed him curiously before slowly reaching out her hand to meet his. A simple handshake. Then retracted her hand as she replied back, " (f/n). Family friend to the groom."

He stared at (f/n), He didn't really move his gaze away from hers which made (f/n) feel a bit uneasy. Not in a sense that it was gross or anything. It was just a bit awkward. 

" Can I help you with something?"

He blinked once before looked away and chuckling a little as he awkwardly apologized, " Ah, sorry my bad. It's just. From what I heard from Abel, you were a tomboy...but tonight it doesn't seem that way at all."

(f/n) scoffed. " What were you expecting? ripped jeans and a Madrid sports jersey?" 

Alfred placed his hands up, " Honestly, That would be pretty cool. You'd be breaking traditional wedding attire right?"

(f/n) shrugged and looked away as she took off her shoes slinging them over her back. " Well, I may be a tomboy, but I won't say no to dressing up once in a while." As she started to walk a little more she heard his footsteps quickly follow behind her before he reached her side. The two comfortably walking down the grassy path of the garden. 

Their conversations consisted of just the basic questions. Names. Relations with the family. Swapping stories as well as what their interests and or likes/dislikes were. Along the way of their strole there mild flirtatious gestures and words towards one another. By the end of their small strole, (f/n) picked out some information towards Alfred.

His name is Alfred J. Kirkland, Otherwise known as Alfred Jones. He studies at Cambridge University, a first-year majoring in Science and technology. In hopes of becoming an astronomer.  He loves traveling during his summer breaks as well as trying new things. He is the head of some clubs including a new club that was to bring together different cultures and ethnicities in the science community.

Alfred turned to look at (f/n), " So you're wanting to become a professional futbol player? That's amazing!"

(f/n) shrugged and glanced at him. "My ambitions are really small compared to yours. Really it's impressive."

Alfred stopped making (f/n) pause as well, he gave (f/n) a firm stare. " Anyone's ambitions or dreams are incredible. No matter how big or small. You being a female futbol player is an exciting ambition. I can tell by how much you talked about the sport, that you are really dedicated."

Before (f/n) could reply, her Papa stepped outside calling for her. " (F/n)! Miel!" 

(f/n) Rushed up the stone steps with Alfred not far behind as she called back. " Si Papi?" 

He sighed slightly and glanced at her before he narrowed his eyes at the young man who was with (f/n). " Si, the bride and groom are saying their goodbyes." 

(f/n) nodded and waved for Alfred to join. Quickly making their way into the reception hall, the two newlyweds were now dressed in their honeymoon outfits. She wore a Pink pencil skirt with a white button up and white heels. Her hair was still done nicely. Ned wore a blue suit with his hair combed down, indeed he looked like a completely different man. They smiled and said their goodbyes to the parents. Alfred rushed up to his sister kissing her cheek gently and hugging her happily. (f/n) looked around and couldn't really penetrate the hoard of people surrounding them. As they made their way down, (f/n) started to panic.  She looked around before she felt a tap on her shoulder making her whip around and gape with a surprised reaction.

Ned smiled and placed his hands on either side of (f/n)'s cheek, gently cupping them before he leaned in and gently kissed her forehead. He pulled back and smiled. "Goodbye, (Your nickname)."

(f/n) was taken back and felt the tears that she was holding back, burst and slowly leak down her cheeks. All she could do was smile and place a hand on his as well. "Congratulations. Abel.

He smiled once again before stepping into the crowd and reaching his bride, they walked towards the vehicle that would be taking them away to the airport. Madeline giggled and turned as all the single ladies formed a blob in the center of the room. This was, of course, the biggest moment for any woman at a wedding. The legendary wedding bouquet toss. One that determined who was next in line for the altar. 

(F/n) thought it was ridiculous, one because she wasn't desperate enough to believe in such a farce. And two, Regardless of her being against the event, the pink tulips were tossed in the air, flying high and far, bounced off one ladies hand and landed in (f/n)'s arms.

(f/n) gaped at it and looked at it before everyone cheered and clapped. Even when she made eye contact with Alfred who was grinning and clapping as well, this only made (f/n) a bit embarrassed before she used the bouquet to hide her small smirk.  

(More updates are coming. As to when, I can say, soon hopefully. Thank you for your patience. Leave a comment down below or vote if you should. Also thank you so much for the 500 Reads. I'm so close practically halfway to 1k.)

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