RusAme Part One: Any Kind Of Miricle

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It was a warm and rainy Monday morning. April first being the day of fooling around was something that Ivan and Alfred couldn't comprehend when they heard that the surrogate mother they had contact with, was currently in labor with their soon to be twin babies'.

They had been preparing for this day since they were granted permission by the government as well as from the mother and social workers. Alfred squeezed Ivan's hand firmly and sighed heavily outside of the delivery room. 

"It's taking a long time don't you think?" asked Alfred.

Ivan glanced at Alfred, who only just barely read up on parenting as well as a baby in general and smiled a little by replying, " It's okay, it's normal for the mother to be in labor for hours or longer."

Alfred nodded taking in that small bit of information and tried to think of other things. So he opened his FB app and made periodic posts about the baby's development. After what seemed like six hours since they arrived, there was a red flashing light followed by a quick request of multiple nurses being rushed to the room. Alfred stared wide-eyed and looked to Ivan for answers, only to be mirrored back the same worried expression.

Before they could comprehend the situation, the doctors rolled out a pained mother while they practically sprinted down the hall towards the surgical area, some doctors were in full scrubs ready to do whatever it was they were doing. Alfred felt something deep in his gut, that something wasn't right at all. He slowly followed down the hall and stopped by the doors as they closed shut, He touched the glass and pursed his lips together.

"Why hasn't anyone said anything yet?" he mumbled.

Ivan made his way towards him and wrapped his arms around Alfred, resting his chin on Alfred's shoulder he stared at the door as well, " Let us have hope that everything is alright, da?"

Alfred nodded in agreement and watched the door once more before the two walked back to their small seating area. The nice nurses offered drinks and hot beverages, awaiting some news the midwife that was over the delivery walked out, just from the sight Alfred saw her disheartened expression and shook his head. He started to cry and clutched his chest.

"No...I don't want to hear it..." Alfred started.

The woman nodded and knelt down in front of Alfred and touched his hands, " Alfred honey, Let me explain...One of the twins didn't make it....the other is doing fine except," she paused and glanced at Ivan making sure he was listening as well. Indeed he was, letting her continue, " The baby girl seems to be deaf, from the tests that were taken when we were checking her over."

Alfred couldn't hold back his emotions, even though he was physically forcing it, his body gave in, letting his tears and sobs escape him. Covering his face in embarrassment he shook his head. They had lost the other twin....and the other was having a loss of hearing. He couldn't process this amount of sudden information, he felt lost and like half his life was now missing. 

After the Midwife left to continue checking on the babies with the nurse, she also talked with the surrogate mother who was also in disbelief. Ivan tried to calm his lover and stared at him.

"Alfredka," he took his face in his hands and made him look into his eyes, " Alfredka, we should go and see the baby. I know it wasn't like we planned....but we still have one. I hurt too...but we need to go and comfort our baby, da?"

Alfred sniffled, looking as though the light were gone in his eyes he looked away and nodded bluntly, " F-Fine.... hold my hand?" 

Ivan nodded and held it firmly in his as their fingers intertwined. He gently kissed Alfred's hand in a loving and gentle manner, both walking slowly down the long hall, they were given wristbands by the nurse working in the nursery and gave them specific hospital gowns, gloves, and masks to wear since they were heading into the ICU (Infant Care Unit) of the department. There were so many small infants, some were rather sick and on large machines. Other's were under heat lamps for jaundice. Alfred squeezed Ivan's hand more and more tightly as they approached the small room where their baby was located.

When they walked in and closed the sliding door, they saw two nurses talking every so quietly over the baby incubator. Inside were two rather small baby's, One was hooked up to a machine...the other was not and looked pale and blue. 

Alfred covered his mouth from yelping at the sight which caught the nurses' attention. One that had brunet hair gave him a sympathetic look and spoke, " I apologize, but it seems that the baby girl isn't letting go of her brother's hand."

Ivan looked a bit more carefully and noticed, the baby girl hand her arm wrapped around the dead baby boy's arm, a bit firmly. He looked up and nodded to the nurses, " It is alright...she has not realized that he is gone da?"

The other nurse who had blonde hair shook her head, lowering it slightly she started to get teary, "I'm so sorry for your loss. If we had known sooner...we could've saved him-"

Ivan was about to say something when Alfred who was also teary-eyed and exhausted from crying, simply hugged the woman and shook his head, " You all did your best. For now, let's help the baby girl get healthier."

The woman took in a shaky breath, nodding for a reply as they started to finish their work, they left the new parents alone in the room while Alfred and Ivan walked towards the incubator. As they stared at the sight, both couldn't stop the feeling of their hearts breaking.  Alfred took a picture and quickly posted the news on FB, He turned his phone on silent so it wouldn't be heard and slipped his hands into the armholes. He gently and carefully touched the baby boy who was not alive anymore and looked at his small limbs. 

" He's so tiny...and handsome..." Alfred croaked out.

Ivan slid his hands in as well and placed a finger on the baby girls cheek, stroking it carefully as if she could break from his touch at any moment. He froze suddenly from a strange feeling, looking down he saw that the baby girls free hand that was stuck to her side, hand wrapped around his finger, gripping it firmly. 

His chest burned from the feeling and he started to tear up, " A-Alfredka look....look she's holding my finger!"

Alfred stared at him and let a small warm smile spread across his lips. as he reached over and touched her head and small tummy careful not to move anything. He paused and watched as her arm slowly pulled away from the baby boy, he whispered a bit louder.

"I-Ivan...her's moving away from the baby boy!" he stammered.

He nervously watched her little arms move, slowly touching her face and stretching, she felt something and touched Alfred's hand, not moving it away, this made Alfred tear up and smile with slight joy. For some reason, the sight brought some peace to him, regardless of how sad he felt about losing his other baby, who which he held his hand. Letting out a timid sigh, he looked up at Ivan and smiled through his tears, " We're finally a family. Ivan.."

Ivan smiled as well and used his free hand to hold Alfreds, to which he nodded and looked down through the incubator once more. " Da. One family....I'm so happy."

(So Short I know, but more stories to come from this ship! Comment down below if you like this one or not? or Vote if you're at a loss for words. See you soon!}

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