UsUk Part Two: No Boys Allowed

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As they pulled up in front of the Primary school that (f/n) would attend, they all exited their old Toyota and walked up the steps, (f/n) in between the two men as they held hands and walked through the gated entrance. (F/n) looked around eagerly and excitedly wanting to go towards the school yet Arthur held onto her.

"Wait a moment (f/n)! We need to take a picture!"

Alfred pulled out his camera getting it ready while Arthur positioned (f/n) in front of the schools' sign. They snapped three pictures, then let (f/n) leave for the school with a teacher greeting the kids.

Arthur sighed and crossed his arms firmly across his chest before he asked, "(F/n)..she will be alright, right?"

Alfred patted his back and smiled," She's getting to be a big girl. For now, we need to get you to work or else you'll be late."

Arthur nodded and quickly walked to the car with Alfred. As they both continued on with their day, Alfred was designated to pick up (f/n) from school. He pulled up in the Toyota and stepped out noticing other parents were gathering as well. As he looked around he saw one familiar face that made him call out loudly. "Hey, Ludwig!" 

The tall German man who had a great build glanced over and raised an eyebrow before recognizing Alfred. He gave him a blatant expression before letting out a low, " Hallo Alfred."

Alfred touched his chest and puffed his cheeks, " What kind of response is that to your dear friend and old roommate from college!?" 

Ludwig sighed and let out a deep chuckle. " Ja, how could I forget those days. So jou and Arthur live here in London?"

Alfred nodded happily and shoved his hands into his coat pockets, either one holding either his keys or his cellphone. Trying to find a topic of conversation, Alfred blurted out a simple question.

"So, I'm guessing both your boys are attending here as well?" he looked at him with a curious expression, " I mean I thought your wife Felicia wanted to stay in Italy."

Ludwig rubbed the back of his neck. " It vas because of vork. And it vas out of our hands. So now ve're here in London too."

Alfred nodded, taking in the new information and continued the small talk. Regardless how much Ludwig would want to deny their friendship, it was clear they were close. Hell, it was college, college friendships last until the day you die. The more they talked, the more they didn't notice until the kids started rushing out to the parents that Primary school was over.

Alfred watched and waited before (f/n) stepped out of the front doors first, Alfred went to call out before a large group of kids rushed up to her talking and giggling happily. Even Ludwigs two boys were walking with her only to stop when she called out to Alfred, waving to him happily.

"Daddy!" (f/n) called out, practically jumping into her dad's arms.

Alfred messed with (f/n) hair, lucky that it was just down for the day. As he kissed (f/n)s forehead he glanced up and saw the two little boys glaring with jealousy at him which made him sweatdrop. 

Ludwig cleared his throat, " Alfred these are my sons, Gilbert and Roderich." 

The two boys just stared at him, one looked away and pouted while the other pushed up his glasses and introduced himself. 


"Eh..Hello there Roderich. I'm Alfred...and this is mine and Arthur's daughter, (f/n)." 

(f/n) looked up at the man and gaped in awe as she spoke out loud, "Daddy, he looks like a super strong man!" 

Ludwig couldn't help but smile and looked to Alfred, " Ja, jour daddy is strong too." 

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