DenNor Part Two: Blue Christmas

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It was already Christmas day 20XX. The presents were savagely ripped apart to reveal the special gifts from loved ones and Santa. But for (f/n) she just couldn't find any reason to celebrate this exciting festive day.

While some Christmas music was playing In the background all (f/n) could do was sit in the entrance way of the front door, waiting for her Far to come home from his month-long business trip. As it started to grow later, even after dinner, (f/n) sat glued to her spot waiting until Lukas walked over and pushed her bangs from her face.

"(F/n) it's time for bed."

(F/n) stared at him and asked in a sad voice. " Far won't be here for Christmas, will he? "

Lukas felt a ping in his heart as he shook his head giving her an apologetic nod. "Not this time."

(F/n) pursed her lips and shot up before sprinting up the stairs. Lukas sighed softly and took her spot before running his long fingers through his thick blonde hair. He sat up and exhaled sharply before standing up as well and walked up the stairs.

It was new years day when Mathias finally returned home from his business trip. Although he did get a good bonus, that couldn't replace the promise he made to Lukas and (f/n). Even after he brought gifts for both of them, all (f/n) could do was stick to Mathias like glue. Wherever he went, she went with. Mathias spoke to Lukas and pursed his lips. 

"Lukas...I-I think I'm going to quit."

Lukas blinked and folded his arms, " Quit your job? But, I thought you liked your job, Mathias?"

Mathias rubbed the back of his neck and spoke up, "Ja, but....I've never had to miss Christmas. I missed an important memory..." He glances at (f/n) who was sitting in front of the fireplace playing with her new set of legos that she was given by her Far. "What else would I have to miss, (f/n)'s birthday...our wedding anniversary? I don't want that," he added while shaking his head.

Lukas stepped closer and touched his cheek, his expression softened as he spoke in a low tone. " Mathias, You know I want you to be selfish at times. You don't have to quit just for us, but..." He slowly smiled while blushing lightly as he averted his gaze from his lovers. " I'm sure if it's can do anything."

Mathias blushed a little as well before he pulled Lukas close and kissed him gently on the lips. He smiled and pressed his head against Lukas's and chuckled. " Hehe, I'm so lucky that I have you." 

All Lukas could do was grunt before Mathias pulled back and walked to the door to pull on his jacket. " That settles it. I'm going in right now to end it." 

As soon as (f/n) could see that he was heading towards the door, she felt something shake her as she shot up and sprinted towards the door. Tears were already streaming as she started to cry loudly. Sobbing as she clung to Mathias.

"NO! Hic-Far..hnngh, Don't go away again! T-Take me with you Far! Hic!" 

Mathias was shocked to see this and tried to calm her down, pulling her in close. " (F-F/n) it's alright. Far is going to go quit his job-"

"No! I don't want you to go again!" (f/n) shrieked in her tears, clutching to him for dear life.

Lukas bit his lip and knelt down, " Let's just all go...I don't think she can handle the separation much longer." 

Mathias looked at Lukas before glancing down at (f/n) who was still crying hysterically. He lifted her head and wiped her eyes with his thumbs, resting his hands on her cheeks. He spoke in a calm voice. 

" Honey Far isn't going away anymore. I'm so sorry that I made you feel so lonely." he apologized.

(f/n) sniffled, Mathias using his coat sleeve to wipe her small amount of snot, she had red puffy eyes but still held onto him. "Pappa was sad too. So don't go..."

Mathias scooped (f/n) up and nodded," Ja, I won't. Come on, let's go so goodbye to Fars' work." 

(f/n) nodded and held onto him, she buried her face in his neck while Lukas watched the two walk out to their car, he felt slightly embarrassed. To be honest he didn't want his husband to know that he was crying about him...even though he was sure Mathias could already tell. 

" are so honest," Lukas mumbled out before walking out the front door.

{Vote for this story or Comment your feelings on this story. Fun Fact, this is a true story of my childhood. For anyone who's had a parent work as a Truck Driver, In the Army or just a parent who travels a lot and isn't home much. It's sad. Especially during the holidays. Apparently, I cried my eyes out when My dad was going to quit his job since he missed Christmas after he promised he would make it, and I thought he was going out on the road again and begged him not to go. So he quit for my sake.}

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