Rusame Part Two: Actions Speak Louder

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(F/n) quivered in fear. Again she was being bullied by her classmates. This time they dumped a bucket of water on her head damaging her hearing aids. Her body felt stiff and chilled from the cold water that was thrown onto her.

The loud cackling and screaming laughter were soundless, but their expressions made her feel sick to her stomach causing her to throw up in class.

Within an hour Alfred was the first to arrive and from what (f/n) could see, he was enraged. She was then taken by the hand and led out of the office, away from everything.

Her dad stopped by their car and turned around hugging her tightly. He pulled back enough to sign to her "I'm here. It's okay now."

(F/n) felt her eyes twitch before tears welled up and escaped down her cheeks. She buried her face in his chest, clutching to him as if fearing this might be a mind game.

His arms were strong, but even he felt weak. Alfred couldn't explain this helpless feeling towards his own child. As if anything he did to try to make her feel better or someplace that could be her peaceful place, faltered and turned into a dark ashy hell.

The ride home was, of course, silent, more so then Alfred liked to admit. He stepped inside the house when the arrived at their small home and went to the computer to search for another school. It would be the third School transfer this year.

He sighed heavily and started typing in the search engine once more. Pausing slightly when he heard some footsteps behind him. (F/n) spoke in a croaky voice while using her hands to speak.

"I'm sorry daddy...please don't make me change schools again."

Alfred raises an eyebrow, taken back by her sudden request as he signed, "(F/n), those kids ruined your hearing aids. And you have been bullied again  (f/n)!"

(F/n) lowered her head. She already knew, but for herself, she had to stay for a reason. Quickly raising her gaze to meet her dad's she nodded sharply. The answer being clear.

Signing quickly, "Yes, I know that.  But I won't run away from my bullies anymore. No more running daddy." She added, touching his arm.

Alfred looked as if he were about to say something when the door to their home opened and closed swiftly. Ivan briskly stripped off his  scarf and coat, leaving him in his work suit, kneeling down he kissed (f/n) on the forehead and pet her head before he signed, " Are you okay my little sunflower?"

(f/n) nodded and signed back, " I'm okay. But my hearing aids are ruined again."

Ivan looked up at Alfred with slight exasperation, only to have Alfred sign with sharp movements as if he were to make his point that more clear. 

"I'm at my wit's end, Ivan. What more can we possibly do? Not only that, (f/n) wants to stay at her current school! She'll just get bullied more  because those little brats don't understand her!" 

Ivan placed his hands up and calmly replied, (f/n) watching her fathers' discussion. Even when she could see their lips moving, they would still casually speak with each other, both talking and signing.

"Alfredka, I know that it is stressful. But we can't afford to pull her out of school again." He looked to (f/n) and signed, " (F/n) is staying at this school really what you want?" 

(f/n) nodded and signed back, " Yes Papa."

Alfred eyed his daughter then glanced at Ivan before sighing out loud and running his fingers through his blonde hair. 

"Alright. I give in. If you want to stay at your current school. Then you can stay." Alfred signed in defeat. 

In a split instant, he watched his daughters' expression light up slightly as she hugged him tightly first then hugged Ivan tightly before rushing back to her room. Ivan touched Alfreds' hand and held it firmly. 

Who's Your Daddy? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora