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*Keisha a.k.a Kei Murray in the media*

"Yo, why you had to ask her that Jamie? I told you no, now we got kicked out. This was suppose to be a happy moment, she survived."  I said as I slammed myself on the chair folding my arms across my chest while mean mugging her.

"Look I had to know, it was eating me inside. That girl is like my little sister Kei. I took care of her while she stayed in NY. I was there for her with everything she went through. It hurt me so much to know that she'll do such a thing. I loved prima with my whole heart but I knew if she stayed in the game there was a possibility she was gonna be six feet under. We all knew it. You lucky to still be here Kei. But Asia still has her whole life ahead of her and I warned her to stay away from prima. I'm happy they fell in love but I'm mad as hell that she'll try to kill herself and I'm mad at myself for not being here for her. I could've stopped it." Jamie was on the verge of tears and so was I.  
I wrapped my arms around her as I held her tight rubbing her back trying to comfort her. I looked up and saw the nurses coming out Asia's room.

"Hey can we go back in there?" I ran up to Asia's nurse Kelly and asked.

"No, she's asleep. You can come back tomorrow though Kei. " She winked then smiled at me as she walked off swaying her hips.

"She better open her eyes tomorrow or that's your asses!" I yelled behind them before turning my direction back to Jamie who was wiping her tears away with the sleeve from her sweater.

"I'm not going back to the hotel tonight. I'll stay with her, you go." She walked up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before saying good night and sneaking into Asia's room ignoring what the nurse said.

I walked through the bright halls of the hospital towards the front sliding doors into the cold night. I zipped up my hoody as I walked to my rented black Range Rover. I turned the heat on and cranked up the volume on the radio as Ride For You by Lucas Coly blasted through the speakers. A lot was on my mind since I left New York to be here for Asia. When I found her laying on the cold floor lifeless I was scared shit less. I made a promise to Cap that if anything happens to her I'll take care of Asia and her family and she promised she'd do the same if anything was to happen to me. I felt like I failed her, even though I've been taking care of Mrs. Espino and her brothers I wasn't doing the same for Asia. I never should've sent her away, I probably should've made her stay with Mrs. Espino, I mean she always wanted a daughter, well a girly one lol.  Now Asia laying up in the hospital on close watch because she's harmful to herself. I quickly wiped the tear that rolled down my cheeks and focused on my next move on how I'm telling Asia she coming back to New York to stay with Mrs. Espino or Jamie where I can keep a close eye on her and make sure she don't pull another stunt like this. I'm sure Jamie wouldn't mind actually I know she'll prefer this idea better than her going home to Philly or staying here.

I pulled up to the Hilton hotel and got my room that was next to the room Asia stayed in, Jamie's was right across the hall. I went straight to the mini bar and poured myself a drink as I looked over at the duffle bag I gave Asia when she entered the jet. It sat nicely and untouched on the dining table. I pulled out my phone and dialed a number.

"Boss." The husky voice said into the phone.

"Is the mess cleaned up? The cops still buzzing around?" I asked walking over to the couch as I sat down and looked outside at the view of Hollywood buildings through my opened curtains.

"Wait? What! What you mean the bodies were identified but no Cap?" I sat up, my heart pounding fast and hard against my chest.

"You have to find her. Those fucking dirty cops probably took her body to start some shit. I don't know, just find her before I get back and kill every fucking body!" I yelled into the phone before throwing it on the ground and gulping down the last of my alcohol.
My mind was racing from the news as I paced back and forth.

Okay so, I'm the new boss of the Espino organization, well until Cap's little brothers gets older and takes over their father business. Mrs. Espino decided to put me in charge knowing that she can trust me and I'm a good  friend of the family,  always have been.  She considered me as her other daughter so did Mr. Espino. And we all knew Cap was my sister. Before I left New York to fly out here I told some of the workers to handle the scene from the shooting. To make sure they can't pin nothing on us because the case was still open. I needed them to talk to the cops that dealt with us and make sure our hands were clean from the mess. And the news I got was that either the cops that don't fuck with her removed Cap body to create some mess on us or Cap is still alive, which I doubt because I watched her with my own two eyes bleed to death. Shit just not adding up. I need for Asia to get better soon so I can go back home and handle business myself. I'm already beginning to stress myself out and I needed a big stress reliever.

I walked into my room and pulled out a bag of weed from my top dresser draw and rolled up as I called for room service. When I hung up I looked at the screen on my phone and saw the girl I've been talking to for the past two months name flashing across the screen. We not official but I plan on making her my girl some time in the future.

"Hey baby, what's up?" I lay back on the bed with a smile on my face as I took a long deep pull from my blunt.

"Hey daddy. I miss you. You coming home this weekend or you finally gonna fly me out there?"

"I think I'll have you come out here this weekend." I replied. My eyes becoming low as I allowed them to close.

Somali a

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Somali a.k.a Mali Robinson

Somali was the type of girl that did anything I wanted her to. Mali don't pry and she don't nag that's what I liked about her besides the fact she gave good head. She was strong minded and confident and she also works for me at the trap house. I hired her two months ago and ever since, she has caught my attention and has manage to keep my interest which was hard for these females because I'm very picky and get bored easily. Females throw themselves​ at me on a daily basis but my swerve game strong as fuck. I'm about making money and earning respect because one day I'll have an empire of my own. It's a dangerous life but I can't picture myself doing anything else. I crave the hustle, the adrenaline, the fast life.

"Kei! Kei! I know her ass didn't fall asleep on me!" Was the last thing I heard her say before I fell asleep.

So what y'all think so far?

Stay Reading Chapter 3 Coming soon!!!

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