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"Caprice?" Her eyes opened and connected with mine.

"Sí mama, it's me."

"Am I dead?" She slowly asked.

"No, I'm alive." I smiled at her when her hand touched my face but quickly frown when I felt the stinging sensation.

"Mama why you slap me?" I asked as I held the left side of my face.

"Porque eres estúpido! Why you fake your death?" She asked removing the covers as she got out of bed.

"Ma what you doing? You have to rest." I said trying to help her but she pushed me away.

"Child hush. I'm not dying I had a minor stroke." She walked out her room with me following close behind.

"Ma I'm sorry but I had to, someone was trying to kill me for real. I had to keep a low profile."

"From your familia?"


She slapped me again this time on the right side.

"Mama stop hitting me!" I held my face as I looked at her.

"Do you know what I've been through these past few months? Your brothers are out of control and here you are faking deaths and shit. I should kill you myself. Movimiento!

I moved out her way so she can get to the fridge.

"Mama I'm sorry, I had to." I pleaded.

"Caprice I need you to retire. I'm tired of this, I lost Ramiro and my world crumbled even more when I thought I lost you to. I'm mad that you kept this a secret from me but happy you're alive. I don't want to loose you for real especially not because of this lifestyle." She held my face and kissed both cheek.

"I will, once I kill whoever tried to kill me." I looked into her eyes as she shook her head.

"You're just as stubborn as your father was." She let go of my face as she walked over to the stove to prepare dinner.

"¿Tienes hambre?" She asked without looking at me.

"Yeah. I haven't had a good home cooked meal in months. You know Kei ass can't cook." I laughed as Kei walked in the kitchen and punched my arm.

"I can't cook? Ight bet. You gonna cook from now on." She sat on the stool with her arms across her chest like she was mad.

"You know I love you bro." I blew her a kiss and she flipped me off in return.

"So where do you stay? At your house?" Mama asked still not looking at me.

"Nah. I stay with Kei. I don't trust being in my house the person that tried to kill probably knows where I live but no one knows where Kei lives." I said as I took a bite out the apple that sat in a bowl with other fresh fruits.

"Is Efrain coming over today?" Kei asked.

Why would she ask that? Tío barely comes here.

"No lo sé. He just pops up." She shrugged while cutting up some onions.

"Tío comes here often?" I asked and they both nodded.

"Since when? I thought he hated coming here." I asked confused.

"Well since your father died he has been coming over more than usual." Mama said with a smile.

I found that rather strange because he didn't like my father at all, he wanted nothing to do with him. While my father tried to make amends Tío refused because he wanted the power that dad had. He was obviously jealous. Why would he be here more often now that dad's gone?

"Why does he come here?" I asked in curiosity.

"To eat mostly." Kei answered.

"Doesn't Tía cook anymore?"

"I guess not. I don't know what goes on in that house anymore. They're kinda close offish." Mama laughed.

"Does Asia know?" She turned and finally looked at me. I shook my head no. Here comes that stinging sensation again.

"Mama! Stop!" I yelled holding my face once more.

"Asia is a wonderful girl. Your stupid ass is going to loose her Caprice. She's been through enough you have to tell her before she finds out." Mama warned.

"I will mama. I will. I'm just waiting for the right time." I said lowly as I looked at my fingers.

"When is that hija? When it's to late?"

I sighed letting out a deep breath.

"She's right Cap. I'm also tired of keeping this secret from her." Kei chimed in.

"I know mane. I know." I ran my hands through my soft curls before resting my head on the counter.

"I'm glad you're home hija." Mama kissed my forehead before she continued cooking. I looked up and smiled at her. My mother was my world I don't know what I'll do without her.

They were right I needed to tell Asia but I can't and I won't put her in any more danger. I needed to find this fucker and put an end to his life before I tell Asia. So mama and Kei going to have to stay mad at me for a little while longer.

"Cap you gonna be here more often?" X asked as he sat next to me.

"Yeah I am."

"Good cuz I wanna beat ya ass at Madden." He excitedly stated as if he could.

"X watch the language." Mama told him and he rolled his eyes.

"You can't beat me hermano and don't roll ya eyes at her. Have some respect." I slapped him upside the head.

"Miguel come lemme talk to you right quick." I said as I walked into the other room.

"When I'm not around I need you to be the man of the house. Take care of mama, make sure she always good. Okay?"

"Why I gotta do it and not X?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed as he folded his arms.

"Because you ruthless unlike X. You know he got that soft spot." I said with a smile and he nodded before dapping me.

After dinner we all chilled in the movie room as we watched Justice League when Kei's phone began ringing. She answered then looked at me before getting up, so I followed her out the room.

"¿Qué pasa?" I asked once we reached outside.

"It was Joe, he said the Jamaicans want to do business with us and wants to know when can we set up a meeting?"

"How bout tomorrow tonight because I'm tired, I just wanna go to sleep." I yawned and she nodded as she got out her phone to inform Joe.

We waited until the movie was over then left. Kei dropped me off then left to go hang at the bar with the rest of the crew. Of course, I couldn't go because I'm in hiding. I can't wait to walk around freely without feeling like a target or having to look over my shoulder.

The Unexpected: Vol 1.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat