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*Asia's P.O.V*

"Get out!!" I yelled to the top of my lungs.

"Baby please, just hear me out." She pleaded with sad eyes.

"No! Leave now or I'll call the police!" I yelled again but this time loud cries followed which indicated Ari was awake. I matched off to her room and picked her up cradling her in my arms.

"Shhh, mommy's here." I comforted her as I walked into the kitchen to make her bottle. Throughout it all Cap was close behind.

"Why are you still here?" I turned to face her while still rocking Ari in my arms. Her cries were getting  louder and louder.

"Gimme her." She said reaching for her. I stepped back as I looked at her.

"Come on Asia please you know I won't hurt her." She reassured me with her arms still out stretched. I sighed heavily and hesitantly handed her a igiated Ari. I watched as she held her upwards where her head rest on her shoulders while she soothingly patted her back singing softly to her. I didn't even know she could sing and what an amazing voice she had. Within seconds her cries had stopped followed by loud sucking noises so I handed Cap the bottle to feed her.

"How did you know to comfort her like that and I didn't know you can sing." I looked at her in Awe.

"When I babysat my brothers I learned alot taking care of those rugrats and yeah I don't really sing much only in the presence of myself." She slightly chuckled, I smiled and took Ari from her.

"Thank you." I dryly replied and walked to the front door opening it for her.

"You need to leave." I said to her while feeding Ari but she didn't budge, she just stood there and stared at me.

Damnn even though I'm mad at her she looked so good. The way her hair fell and stopped right above her eyes. Those pink full lips of hers and them piercing eyes did something to me. Whew get it together Asia.

"I ain't going nowhere until you talk to me." She demanded as she leaned against the wall with her hands in her jeans pockets.

"Fine. I'll just call the cops." I said walking in the direction of the house phone.

"Oh, so you a cop caller now? Damn you've changed, I would've never pictured you to call the cops on me." She hissed.

"And you're a liar!" I snapped. She sighed while dragging her hands over her face. I looked down at a sleeping Ari before putting her back in her crib. Caps hands wrapped around my slim waist as I walked pass her. The words "I'm sorry" softly filled my ears allowing a tear to full from my eye. I removed her hands from my waist and continued walking away.

"No matter how many times you say it it's not going to remove the pain you've caused these few past months from keeping that secret from me." I said on the verge of full blown tears.

"Asia listen, you know I'll never hurt you intentionally. I did what I did to keep you safe. Whoever tried to kill me is still out there and if he knew I was still alive there's a possibility he'll try to hurt you too to get to me. I can't let that happen, I'd rather die for real for real before I let anyone hurt you. I love you baby I just wanted to keep you safe that's all. And please don't be mad at Kei she wanted to tell you but I asked her not to. Please forgive me." Her eyes were watery, I knew she was holding back her tears. I on the other hand wasn't as strong. I was crying like a baby.

"I forgive you but I can't be around you right now." I softly replied looking everywhere but at her. I couldn't bare to look her in the eyes or I would've caved in. I hate to see her cry the last time was when her father died and I couldn't deal with it I only acted strong because I knew she needed me to be.

"It's because of that bitch huh?" She asked now standing closer to me.

"What?" I asked confused as I wiped away my tears.

"Belle, she ya girlfriend or something?"

I could tell she was becoming irate.

"Are you fucking kidding me? This has nothing to do with her. This is about you and how you lied! And no we aren't together she's a good friend and has been here for me more than you these past 8 months. So fuck out my face with that shit." I replied as I walked outside before we wake Ari again. She followed me, grabbed my arm and spun me around to face her.

"Lo siento. I'm just worried you'll leave me and won't love me anymore." Her voice was much calmer now.

"You should've thought about that before you did what you did." I knew those words pierced her heart because of the look on her face. I wanted her to feel the pain I felt, I wanted her to hurt, I wanted her to cry. Like how could she do that to me?

"Please don't go with her Asia if you leave me I don't know what I'll do. You my world." She said wiping the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand.

"I'm going for the weekend I need to clear my head so I need space from you in order to do that." I replied softly looking at the floor. She reached out and held me in her arms as my tears kept flowing. I cried so hard because no matter how mad I am with her I could never stop loving her, she's the love of my life, my everything but I still need some time to think, some time away from here.

"You should go now." I whispered as I released myself from her grip.

"I love you Asia and no matter how angry you are or how much you want me to go away I'll always be here for you, you are my everything. I'll be here when you get back and ready to talk to me again." She reassured me with sadden eyes before walking down the staircase towards her car. She looked back at me before getting in but I couldn't stare into her eyes more than a second. I gave her a small smile before heading back inside to cry myself to sleep.

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