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*Cap's P.O.V*

"What the fuck Kei!" I yelled as she pushed me into the house.

"Why you ain't let me go after her!" I looked at her pissed as fuck as I tried to control myself.

"Cuz she needs time to think Cap she's angry and confuse right now. You need to give her time to absorb all this shit that was just thrown in her face."
Kei assured me which made sense but I wanted her to know that I still love her, that I've never stopped loving her and no matter how much she hates me right now I'm never going to leave her.

I let out a big sigh resting my face in the palm of my hands and cried. I felt Kei rub my back as she tried to comfort me.

"I don't want her to hate me manne, I don't want her to leave me." I looked at her with teary eyes, hopeless and vulnerable.

"Even though she's mad that girl could never hate you nor would she ever leave you, she's just really hurt by it all. Like I said, give her time." She smile and continued to rub my back.

I rest my head on her lap like I would when I was hurting and my mom would comfort me. I could tell Kei didn't know what the fuck to do because in the amount of years that she's known me she has never seen me like this. Even when my dad died she hasn't seen me like this.

I've never loved another woman like I love Asia I was terrified that she was going to leave me and hate me forever after this. The look in her eyes hurt me to my core to see how much she was hurting. I just wanted to hold her and tell her how sorry I am and everything was going to be okay. But no, this was all my fault if I wasn't so stubborn and told her like mama and Kei said to do before it was to late I wouldn't be in this predicament. I had to fix it and I had to fix it now.

I got up and grabbed my phone on the counter before dialing Jamie's number because I had a feeling Asia would have gone to confront her thinking she knew about me.

"Prima....yea I know, I'm
lo siento muchísimo and I will.... Is Asia there? Can I come see her?.. Ok tell her I love her very much." I hung up and wiped my eyes as I sat on the single couch staring at the blank wall.

"Cap, come on mane everything will be ight." Kei said while handing me a lit blunt.

"Here, this should ease your mind a bit." I took it as I remained silent taking a deep long drag, tilting my head back so that I'm now staring at the ceiling.

"I fucked up didn't I?" I slowly asked.

"Nahhh, ok yes but it's not like it can't be fixed, she loves you just as much as you love her. You're her first everything remember? And she's your everything. Y'all was meant to be." Damn I should be a poet, that was deep my nigga." She slowly stated as she chuckled to herself hitting the blunt again. I laughed a little along with her. She always know how to put a smile on my face.

"Thanks mane. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you in my life. I love you bro." I said with a smile.

"Ohh don't go getting all soft on me now but I got you always and I love you too pussy ass." She laughed making me laugh too.

"How long you think she'll stay mad? Like how much time you think she needs?" I asked anticipating the answer to be sooner rather than later.

"Prolly like for the next three days or so or just let her come around when she's ready." Kei stated calmly.

But my anxiety got the best of me. What if I wait and she thinks I don't care about her or love her no more or what If she never comes around then what? Oh nah I can't let that happen.

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