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I heard the front door open and close. My squinted eyes looked at the time on my phone that read 2:29 a.m. I became livid.

"Where the fuck have you been!" I got off the couch and stood face to face with my sister before she could enter her room.

"Out." She nonchalantly replied as she tried to get pass me.

"Wrong answer!"

I can smell the alcohol from her breath and her eyes were low which indicted she was high.

"Ugh, you're drunk again and are you high?" I watched her closely examining her every move.

"Well ain't you the brightest bulb." She laughed slowly as she slightly drifted back.

"Are you aware that you left your one week old daughter with Jamie, who you told you'll soon be back for but never showed up! How irresponsible can you be Amanda?!" I was so angry I wanted to punch her right in the face until I knock some sense into her.

"Okay calm the fuck down. She's fine isn't she? And you're not mom don't talk to me like a child."

"Stop acting like one and I won't have to! You only think about yourself! You have another human being to look after. Do your fucking job as a mother for once!" I yelled but all she did was laugh in my face. I've had it, I was over this conversation and before she could even say another word my fist landed on her face.

We were rolling all over the floor punching and slapping each other like we were in a cage fight. I pinned her hands over her head to prevent her from hitting me any further. She squirmed and kicked underneath my grip but I was stronger than her I wasn't about to let go until she calmed down.

"Stop it Amanda! Look at yourself!"

"Get off me!!" She screamed and kicked but I refused to let her loose.

"Starting from today you're on house arrest and I forbid you to see that boy. I know it's because of him you've been getting high and drinking every damn day!"

"You forbid me? I'm seventeen, I do whatever the fuck I want to!" She yelled through laughter.

"Not in my house you don't." I looked at her black eye and bloody nose, she wasn't the same little girl I grew up with.

"Fine! I'll leave! I don't need you anymore! Now get the fuck off me Asia!"

My hands freed hers as I allowed her to get up which she pushed me in the process. I followed her to her room and watch her pack her belongings then pulled out her phone to call someone.

"Can you come get me? I'm moving out." I heard her say before hanging up.

"Who did you call?" I asked worried that she was going with that boy. I love my sister regardless to whatever issues we may have. I didn't want her hurt, dead or incarcerated. I don't know what I'll do if anything was to happen to her, that boy was toxic for her.

"None your damn business. You should be happy. I won't be a problem for you no more."

"Amanda I'm not kicking you out. I'm simply saying you can't stay if you plan to drink, get high and come home any hours of the morning when you have Ari to take care of which means get your shit together." I walked towards her to hold her hand but she slapped it away.

"Don't fucking touch me! Look what you did to my face!" She pointed to her face in anger.

"I had to! You were out of control and pissing me off!"

"Fuck you Asia!" She said as she walked past me towards the front with her stuff and me following behind.

"What about Aria?" Did she forget she has a daughter?

"I'm irresponsible right? I'm not perfect like little miss Anastasia McKenzie right? So how bout you keep her."

"You know I can't do that Amanda. My plate is to full." I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Well you should have thought about that before you came at me." She smirked then walked out the door towards the same black Nissan I kept seeing her get into for a month now.

"Amanda!!! Get back here!!! " I ran after her and the guy whose face I've never saw revealed himself as he got out the car and stood in front me so Amanda can get in.

"Yo chill gorgeous." He smoothly said with a smirk. I looked at his hand on my shoulder and slapped it off.

"Don't touch me." I said through gritted teeth as I pushed pass him and tried to open the passenger door to get to Amanda.

"Amanda open this door right now!" I tapped the window as hard as I could while pulling on the door handle with my other hand.

The laughters of his voice filled the early morning air which pissed me off even more. I ran up to him and punched him in the face. He spat the blood out onto the pavement then looked at me as I was about to punch him again.

"You don't want to do that little shawty." He lifted his shirt up just enough for me to see the gun stuck in his waist band.

"Tig fuck her, she ain't worth it. Let's go." Amanda said through the window. He smiled at me, got in his car and sped off.

I fell to my knees on the cold ground and bawled my eyes out.

When am I gonna catch a break? First my parents , then Cap, now this? I can't take care of a baby especially by myself. I have to much going on in my life right now. I'm scared for my sister's life. What if he kills her? Oh my God! I need to do something.

I got up, ran inside and picked up my phone.

"Kei! I need your help!" I yelled franticly into the phone out of breath, tears still rolling down my face.

"Amanda left with some guy in a black Nissan named Tig. Can you find her? I don't know if you know him. He's armed and I'm scared for her. Please help!" The tears started flowing even more.

"Wait, he works for you?"

"Thank you Kei. Let me know as soon as possible." I felt a little better that Kei knew him so they should be easy to find.

I walked in Aria's room to check on her and she was asleep, through all the commotion she was asleep. I bent over into her crib and kissed her forehead.

"Everything will be fine. Your mother will come to her senses and come back but in the mean time I'll take care of you and raise you as my own. I love you so much princess. Sleep night." I gave her one last kiss then left the room.

That night I cried myself to sleep, something I've gotten use to for awhile now.

The Unexpected: Vol 1.Where stories live. Discover now