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*Cap's P.O.V*

"Bro calm the fuck down!" Kei yelled at me but I was furious.

"I'ma kill her!" I yelled as I punched the living room wall leaving a big hole in it with my bloody knuckles.

"They not dating mane, they just chilling." Kei tried to convince me.

"I bet that bitch claiming her dawg. I bet she even kissed her." My breathing grew heavy from just the thought of Asia being with someone else especially that bitch Belle who has been in the picture for quite awhile. I remembered our first encounter in the girls bathroom at club Kisses when I threatened to kill her if she tried anything with Asia. Now here she was trying to get at my girl because I'm "dead." Nope not over my dead body. I'ma murder her for real for real.

"Bro, you can't kill her because Asia would think it's me, that's like her only friend." Kei said as she looked at her wall and shook her head.

"She don't need her as a friend. She got you and Jamie and why the fuck you so calm about it when she disrespected you right to ya face?" I raised my brow at her.

"Jamie and I are fam to her and best believe, if Asia wasn't in the way I would've stabbed her not to kill her though." She laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"That bitch can't love her like I can. She can't make her happy like I can and she surely can't fuck her as good as I can." I boosted while I rolled up before I pop a vein in my forehead.

"Then why you so mad, if she can't do none them things better than you?" Kei laughed, she was beginning to piss me off.

"Because nigga, I'm "dead"! I can't do that shit right now I was just stating facts." I threw a pillow at her head which made her laugh even louder.

"Manee you pissing me off." I inhaled the smoke deeply then exhaled it in her face, this nigga was still rolling as I gave her the straight face. 😑

"Okay okay. Look don't worry, we'll kidnap her and make her write a letter to Asia on why she went M.I.A okay?" Kei suggested trying to cheer me up which worked.

"Yesss! Can we do it now?" I stood with excitement.

"Bro calm ya happy ass down. We gotta prepare a shipment with Blakka in awhile, incase you forgot." She reminded me. We sealed the deal with the Jamaicans and was now doing business with them. We had an exchange tonight.

"Oh yeah. Well after that because I want her away from Asia asap." I warned while Kei walked into the bathroom ignoring me.

8:36 p.m.

"Look dem over dey so." Blakka informed me and Kei as a black Rolls Royce slowly pulled up opposite us. We were sitting in one of Kei's car waiting for these guys to show up who wanted our supplies. I wanted Blakka to come with us to see how he dealt with situations like this.

"Make dem come out first." He said while resting his gun on his lap.

Two men from the other vehicle came out first, one on either side. Then two more from the back seat. One of the men was holding a briefcase.

We stepped out the car with me holding the supplies.

"Let's see the money." I demanded as we kept a huge gap between us in the middle of the deserted area.

"Show us the goods." The guy in all blue sweats demanded in return. I unzipped the bag and showed him. He sent one of his boys forward to test one of the bags.

I sell any and every kind of drug, the best of the best. After testing it they handed us the briefcase and I gave him the bag. The exchange was done quick and easy just like that.

"Nice doing business with you Kei." He said. I shook his hand and nodded without correcting him because everyone in this business thought I was dead if they haven't met be before which these guys haven't, obviously.

"Meh like how ya do business." Blakka stated on the car ride back. We probably collected a little over one hundred thousand. It was his stuff and mine combined. His shit was also one of high quality so I didn't mind doing business with him. I felt like I could trust him and he slightly reminded me of my father. Don't worry, we did a back ground check on him and his whole crew before we co-signed the contract.

"Thank you. We do too." I shook his hand.

We entered the warehouse to sort the money out and give Blakka his share.

"My yute, if ya ever need sumthin come see meh. Scene?"

"I will." We shook hands before he left. As I'm walking back inside I noticed an unfamiliar car parked far in the distance with no head lights on. I reached in my waistband and pulled out my gun resting it against my leg. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see if there was anyone inside. After a few minutes of just standing there I decided to head back inside.

"Yo, there's a car parked outside near the water that I've never seen before. I couldn't see if anyone was inside cuz the windows tinted. Y'all know bout it?" I asked Kei and Joe. They both walked outside then came back in confused.

"What car?" They asked in unison.

"There's no car parked near the water bro."  Kei said walking past me.

"I ain't crazy nigga, there was a car parked there." I tried convincing them.

"What's the license plate then?" Joe asked.

"I couldn't see it was dark. Plus I think I need glasses, I think I'm near sighted." I said with a pout and they both laughed at me.

"You need to rest bro, you look tired." Kei laughed.

"Mane fuck you. I'm out." I said as I snatched her car keys from her desk.

"Uhh nah, I'll pass. You cute and all but I'm not into studs." She joked and I flipped her off.

"How am I suppose to get home?!" I heard her yell.

"Hitch a ride with your girlfriend Joe." I teased as I stuck my tongue out at her then ran out the building.

My thoughts ran on the unknown vehicle. Who could that have been? If that person was there for me then I would've been dead already. No one was around me and I'm pretty sure they had a better view of me than I did of the them. Maybe I'm overreacting, there probably wasn't anyone in the car or maybe some nigga and a hoe fucking.

I shrugged it off as I walked inside and into the bathroom to take a long warm shower while I played my playlist in the background. Migos Motorsport blasting through the speakers as I rapped along to it not knowing what the fuck they saying. I hopped out and put on basketball shorts and a T-shirt then walked into the kitchen but stopped when our eyes made four.


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