chapter 36❤

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Nicholas POV


well it's been one month now and I and Collins are secretly working together,ive explain to my family and they trust Collins again,.

The matter of Iyna was really bad,but I still revealed my relationship to them , and I told them the story in a way they will understand,it was really hard at first but I try my best to answer their family accepted Iyna after learning the truth , and they really love her,infact dad invited her family to come over to America, am sure they will be here probably next week.

At the other side Collins gave me an information about Dorris and her mother how angry they were when I discovered about iyna's identity and cleared the mess from the website In an instant.

Iyna too was really embarrassed, the press bumped her one day and threw so many questions at her ,thank goodness my driver diva was there to get her out without answering any questions.

I knew it hurt her, cause it was all over the headlines, I calmed her down because it was best I let it out myself than letting the bitch , the matter didn't take 2, days before it was solved .

Right now am in my office with my dad,kelvin , jack , Ravis ,Andy and Collins , Collins just gave us an information about Dorris and her mother's plan.

"So that means she's gonna call me right ? I asked .

"Yes....she will ask you and your father to come meet them ,am sure they think you guys don't know about serina yet , it will all be like your shocked to see her once she revealed herself " Collins said bringing out a picture and handing it to me.

Hmm so this is the serina Clark's, I really don't know her that much , but I must say she's a beautiful woman with a devils heart , I gave it to my dad to see as he looked through it.

"She really changed herself....I was actually expecting her to come back , cause when she ran away from prison we try to find her , so this was why we couldn't get her? She changed herself"my dad said with a smirk.

"Well it's time to end her .... when did she say we should meet her ? I asked .

Collins checked his time .
"In about 2 hours , I need to be Going now to stay with them, the plan is , I will pretend to be on their side so once they strike I will strike too, but she only wants you and your father there , I don't think the family has to hear this so it has to be kept from them ...." Collins said .

My dad nodded .
"Your right , I don't want Vanessa to get worried about this "my dad said his been keeping secrets from mom, and i don't blame him, he just want her safe.

"Right , I don't want Iyna too worry too" I said yeah I didn't tell her about meeting them , she will freak out and want to go with me which will not end well.

"Good day , alert the police as soon as I go , but let them be in a hidden place, I will give you a call in an hour time ,and I will send the location, make sure it's only you both to come in " Collins said.

We nodded .

He shook us and quickly left.

Well I guess today will be though .

Iyna's p.o.v

It's been a month already thank goodness my matter has died down, I was really embarrassed to even come out , the press was all over me , bombing questions at me , my grandma got the news and was really sorry that it has to happen.Nicholas parents also helped in the issue and still accepted me, they even invited my family over,but am scared, what if my mom refuse to come, it will really hurt me, I just pray she comes.

I've been feeling sick for a long time now , and I just don't know what's happening to me , I kept vomiting, I try to tell Nicholas about it, but he has lots of things to deal with so I just can't trouble him yet since Dorris case is still on ground.

" should taste this chilly bean its really delicious" Tobi said putting the meal In my mouth .

"Yummy it tastes good"I said .

"Well I made it for my boyfriend last-night, he really loved it" she says happily i smiled .

She must really love this Jacob guy ,I've only met him twice and I must say his really funny to be around.

"Tobi ....tell me , is Jacob really serious about the relationship? I asked .

She gave me a questioning look.

"Iyna you think,his not serious? She asked .

"No, his very funny and good to be with ...I didn't mean for it to........

Oh God am sick .

I quickly ran into the bathroom and throw up, I kept throwing up, Tobi ran into the bathroom and rubbed my back .

"Iyna are you okay ? She asked .

I washed my mouth and cleaned my face I took a deep breath.

"I don't know Tobi , I've been feeling so sick since this part few days , I kept throwing up every little thing I eat" I said rubbing my temple.

She looked at me for a while .

"Iyna when last did you see your circles?" She suddenly asked .

I thought deeply .

"It was earlier last month , I've been expecting it since the first week of this month but non yet "I said .

She looked at me with wide eyes .

"Iyna ...could it be that ...your .....

My eyes widen as realization dawned on me .

Oh my God it can't be.

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