Who's the fool

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Hey it's been a little bit since I updated or published. Before you all hate on me I did warn you all that I would be on a brief Hiatus or break. I wanted to upload this to let you all know I haven't given up on this story. Now I present to you Chapter 17. ON WITH IT!!!

Luigi arrived through to the otherside and found himself in a space like place where weird creatures were doing battle and shady people were selling unnatural things

Aw geez. Only the second world and it's already going to rock bottom. Ugh how am I gonna get through here when everyone is probably a liar.

"Felix was sent tumbling onto the ground and got up dusting himself off"

Luigi? "he quickly held up the picture of him up before glancing back at him" Ok I managed to reach you without much of a hassle thankfully.

Mama sent a message to us and wanted us to seek you out. I was directed to give you this
"The Luma handed him the message after translating it onto paper" here you go.

"Luigi quickly read the paper before putting it away" well that's that and thank you for the package I'll be sure to open it later. Now we gotta find a path to the portal without being ripped off. Or end up dying.

Oh that's not gonna be easy. Everybody here is a con artist and will clean you dry the first chance they get. Hmm we could try and get a vantage point and find where we are.

That wouldn't be a bad idea if I knew where we were. I've only heard rumors about this place but this is my first time actually being here. Do have a map or something Felix?

No unfortunately I don't I was sent here with a Photo of you,that letter and that package. "The Luma looked at him a bit worried" I think this place is called Jindria.

Hmm well I guess we best get moving, oh and keep an eye out for a cannon. The sooner we get to Bowser's castle the better chances we have at saving your mother. "Luigi had looked around the run down city looking for a store of some kind"

Ok I'll stay in your cap till we find where we're going. I can atleast help you in that aspect. "He floated above Luigi's head and teleported into his hat"

Thanks Felix. I don't think she would look at me the same way if she knew Felix was kidnapped or worse. "He soon spotted a store and decided to head over hoping to get information"

Hmm, this looks like a good place to start.

"He looked around as people started coughing and made purchases, he noticed some of them had knives and daggers in their pockets so he began storing up electricity in his fist"

I can't afford an injury so I'd best keep moving. He said to himself.

Expired food,few mushrooms some fire flowers, where are the stupid maps? Aha there we are!

Ew... little old and dirty but I guess beggars can't be choosers.
I don't think I'll buy anything here. Seems all old or dosen't seem legit. "Luigi dirtied up his face a bit and threw oh his hoodie before he reached the countertop"

Just the map nothing else.

That'll be 250 coins. The shopkeeper said crossing his arms.

Heh sorry not happening 20 coins.

I said 250 and no less! Either buy the map or get out of my store!
"The shopkeeper held a sword toward Luigi grinning"

Does everyone take me to be a joke?! Seriously can't get a break here... Ugh

"Luigi grabbed the sword releasing the stored thunder in his hand and shocked the man till he fell to the floor and slid 20 coins in the slot and left with the map"

That didn't go as well as I hoped but it's done already. Now where are we? "Luigi opened the map and began walking in what he hoped was the right direction"

Hey Luigi? "Felix lifted the cap up a little and came out" Do you got any Starbits? I'm getting kinda hungry sorry.

It's no problem I have about 50 so eat up.

The two walked around while Felix snacked and snacked looking high and low for the next portal.

We've searched the whole town and no sign of any portal. Luigi said shaking his head"

Looking for a portal that leads to another world?

"They looked around confused searching for the source of the voice"

Who's there show yourself! Felix almost transformed from anticipation"

Heh heh I can take you to it but It'll cost ya. If you don't care about money I know a shortcut Bowser's castle. "The woman leaned on the wall" Unless your not interested of course.

How do I know your not trying just steal my money away from me? Luigi asked curiously.

Here take a look yourself "She unraveled the map and showed them Bowser's location" now you wanna buy or not?

Hmm. How much are you selling it for? He raised an eyebrow"

1,000 coins but if your feeling lucky beat me in a race and I'll sell it half price. She smirked at him" lose and it's doubled.

Felix looked at Luigi curiously and wondered what would his response would be

Just take the offer Luigi no need to pay more than what it is.

I know but still I'm confident i can beat her. "He turned to face her and thought about it"

"She looked up at him smiling"
Don't be too sure of yourself I'm the fastest in this city. I'd take your friend's advice and just pay up.

I'm game where we starting from and where to?

We'll start here and race to the top of the Clocktower in the heart of the city. Remember it's double when you lose. "She then stretched her legs and prepared to take off"

Hey everyone I'm back if you couldn't tell and I'm trying to think of things for the story but lately ive been stuck. I set up notes when I left off so future me know what the chapter was supposed to be. Anyways I Hope your Halloween was great it was my 5th year in a row Being Luigi
And I went on a massive rampage and wanted nothing but chocolate. Good sweet Delicious chocolate. Anyways I'd like to thank you all for 400&500 reads wow this book had grew alot since I last posted anyways till next time Adiós.

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