Chapter Six

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I was engulfed in a bear hug by two people the moment I walked through the doors. I could tell who they were.
Mum and Dad.

"When did you guys get back?" I asked as I sat down on my favorite blue-colored couch.
"Not too long ago. I got you something you'd like." My mum said.

I smiled at both of them. "Thanks, mum. Do you both mind if I invite someone over for a sleepover?"
They gave me the who face. I chuckled.

"She's an old enemy turned friend at school. We were paired for a photography project." Dad nodded.
"Sure, you can have anyone come over."

The moment I called Janelle over, she agreed to come for a sleepover.
If anyone had told me I'd be OK with Janelle, I'd have punched the person and probably broke their nose.

Someone knocked on my door. I knew who it was instantly.
It was non-other than Katherine Grey.

"What'chu doing here?" I rolled my eyes.
She chuckled, "Don't say you didn't miss me."

I smirked, "what if I didn't. Then what? Stop being an arse. You're a member of the family. You don't need to pretend with knocking."

The moment she jumped on my bed, I knew she'd interview me, and that's exactly what she did.

I told her everything, every damn thing. Including this butterfly feeling, I got whenever Janelle was around me.

"Yippee! You're falling in love!"

God knows I nearly slapped her. "Do you have to scream?"

She smiled big. "I don't care. You invited her over for a sleepover, right? Maybe you could get close."

I stared at her. She was still ranting. "I'll stay for dinner, and then I'll leave. You might as well see mum and dad. And oh, I got a late-night movie date with Morgan."

With that, she smacked my head from behind and ran off. I'd have run after her, but I was too busy rearranging stuff in my room. By the time I was done, Kat was back in the room to call me down for dinner.

I got downstairs quite fast, and I'd have headed for the kitchen if Jeff had never called me.

"You have a visitor, Miss Raven."

He always put up this act when we had visitors over, "it's a certain Miss Ontario."

I stared at him. Janelle was here already. "Please, Jeff. Let her in. And stop this miss thingy, it's sorta weird now."

Jeff smiled and headed off to the door.

"Hi, you must be Janelle. Why why, you look oddly familiar." Dad said.

I turned around from the sink and faced Janelle, who was at the kitchen entrance.

She was thinking about how big the kitchen was. I smiled and waved at her. She waved back at me and said hi to mum and dad.

I let her talk with them for a few minutes before pulling her upstairs to my room.

Dad had already taken a liking to her, and Mum was already talking to Kat and Dad in French about how perfect me and Janelle look.

Screw you, parents, and best friend. I haven't thought about dating Janelle yet-.

The moment we got into my room, Janelle took her time to suck in air through her mouth.

"I got scared. I thought someone was following me."

I didn't know what to say, and she continued,

"I'm being stalked, Rave. It's becoming serious. I could feel like someone was following me."

She let her head down into her hands. I'd never seen her like this before. So I did what I knew I could to calm her down.

I hugged her. Even if I never wanted to.

"We could try to find out who it is. You got anyone who you possibly think would want to stalk you?" I asked cautiously.

She shook her head, no. She didn't know of anyone.

Jeff had to get us for dinner. And while she talked with My parents and Morgan and pretended to be okay, I thought of the possible reasons someone would want to stalk her. And I couldn't think of one.

She was indeed beautiful, but was that a valid reason? It wasn't. But I couldn't think of any possible causes, so I stopped trying.

I planned on making her happy, somehow.

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