Chapter Forty

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The first stop before school, was an Italian restaurant, for dinner. After that, we hit the road again.

When we got to school, Kattie waved goodbye to me before heading inside. I glared at her for a good two minutes.

"What was that for?" Janelle asked me, amusement visible on her face.

"She's leaving me to my own fate. I hope I don't end up doing something bad." I said.

Janelle gave my hand a tight squeeze, "you'll be fine, Tigger. You've fought worse."

We were inside now, the basketball court had dramatically changed to a ball room. I shrugged.

"I think you meant Tiger. Right?" I asked as we moved towards the photo booth.

"Nope. I actually meant Tigger from Winnie the Pooh." She said with a laugh.

Since I could not get mad at her, I didn't pretend to be, either. We took photos until a queue had formed outside the booth, I found it funny.

After we left the booth, I found us a table, then we got drinks.

It was fun, for Janelle though. She complimented everyone she talked to, she smiled, laughed, hugged and all I did was watch her. I loved every moment of it.

When they finally decided to play a slow song, I asked her if we could dance.

It was a slow waltz at first and then I just could not help it, it felt like everything I'd been using to hold back broke loose. When grandma told me she wanted eyes on me, I didn't want that, I only wanted Janelle's eyes on me, it was only after Janelle kissed me that I realized, Grandma's wish was coming true and all eyes were on Janelle and I.

I got really sweaty after the dance, but I didn't want to leave Janelle alone, not with the many eyes staring at her.

"It's stuffy in here..." I said.

"It is. You want us to leave?" She asked suddenly.

"Yeah," I answered, "I'd really love that."

We left the school grounds. It was cold outside, so I took my suit jacket off and placed it on Janelle. Our fingers firmly locked, we took a long walk.

We got to the ice cream shop first, thankfully, it wasn't closed, we got free ice cream too, since it was prom night. Then we hit the playground, because Janelle thought it would be fun to visit the place where we first met.

We spent half an hour at the park, before Janelle decided it would be fun if we went to the tree house. I agreed and together, we walked through the cold night, through dirt, jumping over dead trees, until we got to the tree house.

She climbed up first, then I followed after her. Inside the tree house was cozy and warm.

"So, are we watching TV, eating snacks..." I was cut half way.

Janelle got a firm grip on my shirt and pulled me closer instead. My breathing hitched in my throat for maybe the fiftieth time, since I set my eyes on Janelle this evening.

I groaned when she placed her warm mouth against mine, they were soft and she tasted like strawberry and vanilla ice cream. The kiss was slow, as if she took her time. I really did not mind.

She shrugged of my suit jacket and instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her. The room got hotter as I pulled her even closer and I really didn't want to stop kissing her.

Her tongue asked for permission and I let it slip to my mouth. I could feel her fingers unbutton my shirt and pull it out of my pants.

With every touch, there was a wave of thirst, something strong, a thirst only Janelle could quench.

I broke the kiss. "Elle?" I managed to say.


"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded, before she looked straight into my eyes. Shit! I was whipped.

She pulled me to the bedroom and then she locked the door behind us.

She turned so her back could face me, "Do you mind helping me with the zip?"

I shivered at the sound of her voice. It was huskier now and it carried so much raw emotion.

I removed the cufflinks from my sleeves before taking her zip in between my left thumb and index finger, and bringing it down to her waist. I traced her bare skin with my right hand, I felt every shiver that vibrated off her skin.

I bent my head until I was close enough for my lips to brush the skin on her neck. I placed kisses on her neck, down to her shoulder blades, then her back. Her skin was soft, smooth and beautiful.

She turned around to face me again and she was biting her lip.

Janelle wrapped her arms tightly around my neck so I could lift her body and she could wrap herself around me completely...

"The bed, Rae." She whispered in my ear, I stopped breathing for a second before heading for the bed, our lips locked in perfect bliss.


The first thing that woke me up, was a kiss. It was short and I didn't get the opportunity to return it.

Janelle's ocean blue eyes stared back at my own. She traced a finger on my jawline, her fingers felt soft against my skin. She leaned down close enough to place a kiss on my nose.

I grinned at the tingly sensation before pulling her down so we could cuddle.

"If I wake up to that every morning, it wouldn't be so bad, now would it?" I asked.

"I don't think it would be. I mean, I'd love for it to happen everyday too." She answered.

"I... I have something to say. It's really important. It's been eating me up for a while now."

Janelle raised her head to stare at me, "what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything."

I sat up straight, "I know that. Well, early this year, Kattie and I decided we'd school in Paris. I totally forgot about it, until a few weeks back when I recieved an admission letter from the school. I didn't want to bring it up, because I really didn't know how you'd react. I'm sorry."

I didn't look at Janelle's face, instead I stared at my fingers. Janelle placed her hands on mine. It was warm against mine.

"If you thought I'd not support you, then you were just thinking wrong. I love you, Raven. I love everything that's you. And I don't think I want to give you up for any reason at all." Janelle gave my hand a tight squeeze.

"I love you too, Jae. It took me years to realize that and I was stupid for the most part, but I'm happy I got you now."

Janelle pulled me back on the bed so we could keep cuddling. She wrapped her arms tightly around me.

"I don't really care where you go, I'll follow you." She whispered.

I chuckled as her warm breathe brushed my skin, "that's pretty cliche, but you and I are stuck together for life."

She giggled. "You first told me you loved me when that creep kidnapped me. Do you remember?"

I could feel her smile grow. She pressed a soft kiss on my lips.

"I remember, it's probably the best decision I ever made. Telling you I loved you meant I was no longer going to deny it, cause no matter what, I'd love you."

Janelle's head found it's way to my chest. I was certain she could hear how fast my heart beat. And the best part was, it was because of her.

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