Chapter XLIII Noels P.O.V

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While I was gone I had my hair changed so I wouldn't look like what they remembered.
The black is gone and in it's place sits golden highlighted brown.
The look really didn't change me that much.
Probably should have gone with blonde.

Kain is trying so hard to be someone I can love.
I just can't seem to look past everything that has happened to us.
Me almost dying so many times now.
Him almost dying once.
Everything should have been signs that me and him were never really meant to be together.
Nothing can change what happened to us.

I find my fingers tracing the stitches in my arm.
The motion becoming habit when I was thinking of us.
It's like I was trying to remind myself of what happened after he treated me like shit.
Like my mind doesn't agree with what I'm doing.
My heart is screaming at me to stay, but my mind says otherwise.

I need the ring.
The need for fighting someone has gotten stronger as I just sit in my room looking at a wall.
My legs stand up and carry me to my closet.
I slide into some looser clothes and grab a small amount of money.
My eyes look to the balcony.
What if they come to my room and try to see me?
What happens then...

I snatch my phone and pray they call me instead of sending a search party.
All I need to do is relieve a little stress.
The past events are making me crazy...

I open my bedroom door and slip into the hallway.
Its empty so I walk to the stairs.
I look down before I run down them.
The hall is clear so I make a break for the door.
It opens and I rush out.
My hands slowly close it making sure no one heard me leave.

I look out into the night and smile at my success.
I know how far it is away from the ring and I just run.
My lungs burn and my legs tingle.
Everything flies by as I almost reach my destination.
The all comes into view and I rush down it.
The first fight is about to begin and I want to see who all showed up tonight.
I open the door and Jim looks to me.
He smiles and gestures for me to some to the bar.

"Glad you could make it..." He stops when he sees my arm.
He hasn't seen me in a year and I know my spot has been given up.
I look to the chart and see a new name holding my spot.
I walk to the board and pick up the name sitting on the ledge.


I smile and run my finger over the letters.
The announcer looks over to me and I toss my name up at him.
He catches it mid-air and looks to it.
I remove my hood and he smiles like a little kid in a candy store.
Everyone who worked here loved me like family.
Seeing him again makes me happy.

The new top dog walks into the ring and I look to him.
He moves like he was born in the ring.
I smile connecting silently with the dude.
He too has tattoos covering him head to toe like Kain.
His name is Draven.
That's his fighting name...
I cant tell if it's his real name or a stage name.
Me and him are about to get real close.

He punches him one last time and his challenger falls to the ground.
I stand behind the crowd waiting for the announcer to speak up.

"Draven we have another challenger..." He speaks proudly.
My hands clench and unclench.
People spin looking for someone who could compare to him.
Someone looks to me and looks like they've seen a ghost.
I smile and look back to the ring.
He looks to the announcer waiting for his challenger...

"Last time we saw her she was being dragged away with guns pointed to her head. Everyone knows who I'm talking about don't they? She has risen from the dead and has come for her spot..." He booms through the room and everyone begins to cheer my name.
I shake my shoulders and move closer and everyone moves from my path.

I see the ring and look to the side I once occupied.
He looks shocked and taken aback from what the announcer has said.
He has his back to me while everyone shouts my name.

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