Imagine the twins

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You were the twins younger sibling but no one know. Not even you. But at the dinner you find out a long with everyone else.

You walked up to the twins.

"Oh hey I didn't know you guys were gonna be here"

"Well we are"

Liv was always mean to you. You never knew why. You shrugged your shoulders. You walked to the table. After a while everyone showed up. It is great besides the fact that Liam decided to come and he is the only human. Luke started playing a video. You got up to watch it.

"Yeah that's us"

"Who is recordings?"

"I don't know"

You saw the video. You saw you. Before you can say anything Joe walked in. She dropped the dishes.

"Where did you get that?"

"Get what?"

"That that video. That is me. That is my voice"

"This is us when we were little and our little sister who we don't know where is"

"That's me"

Everyone looked at you.

"That is me right there"

You pointed to whee you were in the video.

"Wow that is unbelievable"

"What now Liv?"

"You. You could be lying wanting me to actually like you."

"I don't care if you like me or not"

"Then why lie?"

"That is me"

"I don't believe you"

"Did you ever?"

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