Hell (Kai Parker)

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"Who says hell is filled with fire and scream?"

"Who says hell is filled with fire and scream?"

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You were trapped in your very own hell. For the first five years you and Kai would kill each other,to no success. Because it's n this prison neither you or Kai could die.
"So,how about I chop your hand off?"

Kai flipped the pancake.
"No,A:I am making pancakes. And B:Would the body parts grow back? I don't think so. And how else would you get your delicious pancakes?"

You rolled your eyes
"I swear your parents put me here for no reason. I didn't mean to hurt Luke,to meant to kill you! But,no little Luke decided to run when
I was about to hit you!"

Kai,for an unknown reason,chuckled
"Yeah,it was funny seeing your face when you didn't hit me."

You stabbed the pancake,taking a bite
"This is hell."



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