Chapter 59

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When Dharkan and Kitera still hesitated, Bryani backed him up, "Look, he's right. I got controlled by Seraph too. I blacked out and did awful things. Then Jaden freed me from my demon, and it hasn't happened since. It's the best thing someone's ever done for me."

Dharkan got to his feet, still holding Kitera's arms. "Who's this Seraph bloke?"

"It's a long story," Jaden said. "We'll fill you in later."

Dharkan rubbed his unshaven jaw. "Well, this feels sort of rushed, and I won't lie, I'm going to miss Xephos, but I'm definitely not okay with someone else controlling me and using my sword." He cleared his throat. "All right, Jaden, I'm in. Tell me what I need to do."

Kitera still appeared reluctant.

"I know you like Red," Bryani said. "But it's not worth it. Gods' sakes, you had a knife to your throat, Kitera. I thought I'd lose you, and I couldn't bear it. Please, you have to do this. If not for yourself, then do it for me and our sisters. Hell, do it for your king. He can't have his captain of the guard randomly turning on him."

Jaden couldn't have said it better, and held his breath as they awaited Kitera's response.

"You know, it's what Tessa wanted me to do." She looked up at Dharkan. "Remember when she gave you a message for me, before she escaped?"

"Yeah, it was something like . . . don't wait, do it as soon as you get the catalyst to work?"

"This is what she meant," Kitera said. "She wanted me to be free."

"Well for once I agree with her," Jaden said.

Then they heard booted steps hurrying towards the theater, and soon castle guards swarmed in, hefting their swords as they approached the stage.

"We heard you were in trouble," Ivy explained breathlessly.

Bryani said, "You're kinda late." Kitera shot him a glare.

"We're all right now," she told her guards. "You may leave."

"No, wait." Jaden stepped forward to address the thirty or so men and women in blue and black. "You should stay and witness this. If the Azurians attack us, they'll have dark mages among their ranks. This is a chance to prepare yourselves – to be aware of what's coming."

There were a few nervous whispers here and there, but nobody protested.

"Give me your sword," Kitera instructed a nearby guard. The young man held it up by the blade so that Kitera could grasp the hilt. She turned to her little brother. "Go stand with them." Bryani jumped off the edge and joined the guards.

The three of them formed a triangle on the stage, lantern lights flickering along the steel of Kitera's sword and Dharkan's saber. Jaden breathed in deep to calm his apprehension, then he reconnected with his magic. A blade of swirling silver coalesced from his hand, spanning four feet from hilt to razor-sharp tip. Awed whispers stirred from the guards.

Dharkan whistled. "Neat little trick you've got there. Let me guess, you'll explain later?"

"Yeah," Jaden said. "Ready when you are."

The demons appeared right after, a red-tailed hawk perched on Kitera's arm, and a black horse, tall and proud beside Dharkan. More whispers echoed throughout their small audience. It was a lot to take in, Jaden supposed, though he didn't regret asking them to stay. It felt right.

"We'll do one at a time," Jaden instructed. "And I must warn you, when I cut the link, your demon's appearance will change . . . to the point of being unrecognizable."

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