Hatching | Chapter 17

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You were protectively circled around your eggs and little Kiada, licking her wound as she cried. Toothless would turn see how you were doing before looking back out, Hiccup and Valka walked up to the den only to have Toothless growl and spread his wings slightly. Valka understood and lulled Hiccup, small cracking noises echoed in the cave as you jumped up, Toothless darted back looking at the small hatching eggs. The first to hatch was the large white egg, a small white and black hatchling rolled out of it. Yawning cutely as it blinked. The next to hatch was the smallest Midnight colored egg, a pitch black hatchling with a white ring around their eye. You nudged the last egg, the egg that had been cracked hoping that it would hatch. Valka and Hiccup had crept in watching as the hatchlings rolled around batting at each other. You let out a soft whine, suddenly the egg hatched a half balm and white hatchling rolled out. It didn't move but it breathed, you purr as you nuzzled Toothless before nuzzling and licking you children.


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