character Headcannons

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Ok I know this isn't chansaw related but I have some headcanons for the different characters that I want to share so let's go

Is extremely pale, like paper White

I keep seeing this headcannon that she has Heterochromia ( different colored eyes) so ummm one brown eye and one blue eye

When she gets mad she will start talking in Italian

She has social anxiety and it was really bad throughout Middle School and the beginning of highschool but later it died down a bit

Coffee is how she survives

Extremely bi with a preference for girls

Doesn't sleep and it concerns everyone

Lowkey a weeb

Tallest one out of all the Heather's


She's a mix of Asian ( more specifically Korean) and White

She is fluent in Korean

Has really pretty black eyes

Her hair is touches her lower back

In hight she comes right after Veronica

Salty as fuck

Went through a really bad boy band phase

Gay Af


The whitest of all of them

She gets sun burned super easily (like she can stand next to a light bulb for like 2 minutes and she'll get sunburned)

Speaks a lot of German just so she can confuse people

Use to cut but stopped around her Junior year

Mac had an emo phase. Thats all

Is pan

Her hair is so soft

Right after duke in hight

She has freckles


SmOl BeAn

When she isn't wearing her heels she has to stand on her tippy toes to kiss Veronica, she ends up getting super embarrassed cuz "Veronica your too tall and stop fucking laughing at me"

Is very clingy when she's drunk

Is super stubborn

Get scared really easily

She's only allowed to speak French at home when she's talking with her parents cuz they feel she "needs to practice it more" even though she's basically fluent in it

Was raised in a Catholic household but is an atheist

She's pan and is terrified to come out to anyone other than the Heathers

Call her short and she will end your life

*judging you in French*


Mexican dad + Puerto Rican mom = tall Hispanic boy (aka kurt)

Is pretty muscular

Almost never seen without his Letterman

When it comes to science he's actually pretty smart

Gayer then a box of crayons


100% Mexican

Has tan skin

Smokes a lot of weed and says the most stupid shit when he's high

Loves to play Cards Against Humanity

He's about as straight as a fruit loop

Welp thats all the headcanons I have for today

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