shitposts cuz I'm back on my billshit

827 30 11

*is supposed to continue a story*

*does this shit instead *
This is basically my filler when I have writers block

Veronica: go home you're drunk

Chandler, slurring her words: yer really hot

Veronica: ok wow you are definitely drunk

Mac: I'm having a mid life crisis

Duke: you're barely 17

Mac:.... You're point

*chandler and Veronica both holding swords*

Veronica: ha!  While you were being heterosexual, we studied the blade

Duke: fuck!

Mac: language

Duke: English!

Veronica: fun game, play hid and seek with your child and never reappear

Chandler: my moms really good at that game

Mac: hey babe is hair spray flammable?

Duke: dear god

Chandler: talk dirty to me

Veronica: I'm not wearing any underwear

Chandler: keep going

Veronica: cuz you haven't put the god damn Landry in the dryer you lazy asshole

Duke: I don't give any fucks to anyone

Mac: except me!

......I'm tired.....

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