=Chappie 1=

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~Y'alls POV~
~2 years and 10 months later~

I laughed, grabbing the last box from my mom. "I'm not gonna go to parties, you should realize this."

Dad shrugged, spreading his hands wide. "I mean, if you do, then be careful."

I nodded, smiling. "So, can I go now or..."

"Not without a hug!" Mom walked over, grabbing my boxes and setting them down, then hugged me. I hugged right back, not ashamed.

Once my mom pulled away, the same happened for my dad, and then I was waving them bye as they drove away.

Now I was alone.

Picking up my boxes, I feel social anxiety climb my back and squeeze itself around my brain.

'You can't handle this many people. You just can't.'

Shaking my head, I look around, trying to find someone halfway approachable.

A taller girl with red hair ran over, with a big smile.

"You're new, aren't cha?"

I nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Wanna know where the dorm sign-ups are- oh I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Kat Ross, proud bisexual and future stripper, if college don't work out."

I blink at the sudden intake of information. "Okay... are you a senior here?"

"No, first year, but I went on so many tours that I understand where 99% of the building are. Do you know anyone here?"

I shook my head again, a bit impressed with how much this girl could talk.

"Well, I need a roommate, so cmon. Let's get you signed up!"

~POV and area change~
~3rd Person, American Base for Squips~



"Where's Eric?"

"I let him go to find (YN); he was fixed."

".....you fucking idiot."


"He doesn't have morals, they were stripped away when we decoded him. He also had an old line of code that needed to be removed. If it wasn't, he will obsess over his host. You just let out a Yandere Squip into the world, Peter"

"Oh shit..."


Bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

Eric Who? I Only Know Squippy. {Squip X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now