=Chapter 6=

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~Eric's POV~

Standing outside of the building, I adjust the backpack, so it wouldn't hang low.

Watching the torrent of teens and young adults, I scan for (Y/N)'s face.

Nothing, nothing, nothi- wait.

(Y/N) was walking alongside a taller girl that had a shock of red hair.


Moving my way through the crowds, I mutter 'sorry' almost 28 times. Arriving, I could feel myself stop- the personality I took on wanting to blush or walk away.

Shaking my head, I walk up to her, tapping her shoulder.

She turned around, raising her eyebrows before she lowered them. "Hello..?"

"Hi- I..uh..I just got here last night- I dunno where my classes are located." I ducked my head down, feeling blood rush to my face.

"So you need some directions? Okay, hand me your schedule." I hand it over to the taller girl, scanning her and keeping it in my memory.

Turning towards (Y/N), I smiled shyly. She is so beautiful , in my eyes. If someone was to call her ugly, I wouldn't hesitate to kill that person.

No one insults my goddess.

No one.

(Y/N) smiled back, before talking. "So, what are you into?"

"Anything you are, baby." I purred trying to pull off a pick-up line.

"Pfft- please tell me you didn't just do that..."

"I did...."


{{hers in really tired- take it.

Bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

Eric Who? I Only Know Squippy. {Squip X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now