=Chapter 7=

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~Y'alls POV~

It wasn't long before we learned quite a bit about the dude- Scorpio.

"That's an odd name...please tell me that's your zodiac."

"Nope, I'm a Pisces, actually." Eh shrugged, looking away.

"Well, you seem pretty chill." Kat leaned on him, making his face go red. "In fact, you seem like a good f-"

"-riend! You could be a good friend!" I interrupt, knowing what Kat was gonna say. 'A good fuck.'

"R-really? You just met me?"

"Yeah- but this child-" Here Kat shoved me, and I shoved her back, trying to fake anger and failing miserably, "needs more friends." She grinned. Sticking her tongue at me.

"Well...I mean, why not?" He said awkwardly.

I laugh nervously, before nodding. "Okay."

Why am I nervous?


Is it because his eyes remind me of someone?

Is it because his stance seems familiar?

Is it because his voice seems nostalgic of another person?

Yes and no.

All I knew- was that I think I was hit by love at first sight.

God dammit.

{{hi I'm a person that gives you this installment-

Bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

Eric Who? I Only Know Squippy. {Squip X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now