=Chapter 9=

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~Y'alls POV~

"To sound like a basic white girl, hun, OMG HES SOOOOO INTO YOUU!" Kat squealed once we were far away.

I stared at her, raising my eyebrows. "How can you tell?"

"I am a matchmaker- I can tell when one has fallen in love-"

"Or he might be an awkward bean that doesn't know how to social- like me!" I interrupted, hitting Kat with my shoulder.

"Pfft, that wasn't embarrassment; that was pure loooooove~" She sang out, spinning in a circle.

"So what if it was?" I asked, my face heating up slightly at her actions.

"Ooooo, you blu-"

Kat, who was walking backwards, collided into another girl and both of them fell, books and papers going everywhere.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry, my friend is an idjit- here, let me help." I helped up the girl, grabbing her glasses and handing them to her.

First thing I noticed was her eyes; a beautiful sapphire. She had pale skin, with either dark brown or black hair that went down her back.

Her fashion sense was...unique. Blue scarf overtop a white button-up, with black suspenders "holding" up high-waisted black shorts. On one hand was a black glove; on the other, bandage wraps.

She definitely liked black.

"Oh no, it's fine, I should have watched where I was going." She said, smiling shyly.

I smiled back, before extending a hand. "(Y/N) (L/N), you?"

"Camellia Rosewood. Pleasure." She shook my hand, before we both broke into giggles.

"Now, I will have to run to get to class; I have some friends waiting for me!" With that, Camellia sprinted the way we had come from, and Kat and I ran to get to class on time.

In class, we passed notes, because that's fun.

'You love that girl-'

'No I don't!'

'Yes you do- don't deny it.'

'So what if I do?'

'That's means I have more people to ship you with- and you might have a girlfriend or boyfriend by the end of this year~'

'S-shut up.'

'How do you stutter in a note?'


'Fine then, Jesus.'

{{there ya go- and aLSO-
Female-Hxmiltcn Camellia and Jacob will play important parts- and yeAH- I hope ya don't mind-

Bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

Eric Who? I Only Know Squippy. {Squip X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now