=Chapter 25=

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~Kat's POV~

I sigh, shifting my weight to the other leg. "Dom, its all we have left."

Dom stared at me, then looked away. "You're right..."

"See? Even a supercomputer can be wrong." I huff, chuckling very slightly.

Dom sighed, before pulling up the holographic screens and doing the coding.

I watch for a second, before I turned and went back over to (Y/N).

She was still curled up, but I could see her shoulders shaking.

Sitting down beside her, I wrap my arms around her, wincing at the pain and also watching what was happening with Squippy.

He was still frozen- but then he suddenly glitched, body halfway disappearing.

Then, a second form of a body was beside him, but this one was moving.

He was shouting- silent.

He looked ready to kill.

The actual body changed, and it was Scorpio.

"And there we go....we need a backstory for him.." Dom spoke up, looking around.

"Drug addict?" I asked, a bit hesitantly.

"No Kat, that's too much." Peter crossed his arms, before tilting his head. "Maybe his parents are the drug addicts..?"

And so it went. We went through his whole backstory, making sure everything was set up.

The whole time Squippy was glaring and growling- all silent.

I flipped him off more than a couple times, and he returned the favor.

I had completely forgot about Dark even being in this book until we hit the problem about memories.

"We can't leave (Y/N) with those memories.." Dottie quipped, sympathy written all over her face as she looked over at (Y/N) and I.

"She has a chip, but we can't do anything to her memories- Squips are blocked from that." Squared muttered, looking down.

"I could remove those memories- change them, even." Dark spoke up, making everyone jump- Dottie let out a startled yelp.

I stare at Dark. "I- I'm not going to get mad at you for crossing the books for once. Please just do it."

Dark slowly nodded, then walked over, crouching beside (Y/N).

"But I swear- if you hurt her I will personally rip your balls off and stuff them down your throat, before making you fuck yourself, 'aight?" I growl slightly.

I always became protective over the reader- I'm usually the first friend or the one to interact with them first, at least.

"Alright." I got up, letting Dark do his thing- watching.

I ain't taking no chances.


Wait, wha- oh shit it's Trinity-.

I actually leave, doing a half run- the best I could do under the circumstances.

Getting inside, I see her sprawled across the ground, a large gunshot wound in her stomach.

"Oh fuck-"

'Get DeGene...or Rosewood....actually both...'

{{I can't go back to sleep so take this rare chapter wrote on the weekends-

Bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

Eric Who? I Only Know Squippy. {Squip X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now