=Chapter 13=

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~Y'alls POV~

I walked in the dorm, commenting about studying and my lack of it, and walked into the living room.

Everything just stopped.

My heart stopped.

My breathing stopped.

My thoughts stopped.

My will to cut stopped.

My worries stopped.

A beat of total silence- even the ringing gone.



Everything rushed back into motion.

My heart started beating erratically.

My breathing was faster.

Sudden thoughts, and worries flew through my mind at the speed of light.

All of this in a few seconds.

I suddenly ran the short distance to the couch and jumped onto him, tears already falling from my eyes like hail from the sky.

He laughed, wrapping his arms around me, humming.

I hear him- his voice, the humming, the mechanical noises- I hear it all.

"Miss me?"

"Of course I missed you, you fucking giant electronic idiot-" a sob interrupted my mini-rant.

"I though you were dead- you are alive- I thought- I thought-"


{{ye- sorry for short chapter-
I'm tired-

Bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

Eric Who? I Only Know Squippy. {Squip X Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora