=Chapter 20=

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~Eric's POV~

I was about to just break the lock and get through when the door opened, and a sleepy-looking Trinity was standing there.

"Mm....hey..uh...Scorpio...isn't it..?" She mumbled, one hand rubbing at her eyes. "Sorry if I seem tired....I was taking a nap..."

I huff, sighing. "Yes, and I'm sorry, I was just wondering if Camellia was here...I need some notes from a class we shared..."

Trinity paused, before shaking her head. "She went to see her father and sister.."

"During the semester?" I crosse my arms slightly.

"Yeah. She missed them- and convinced Jacob and I to take notes for her in what classes we had with her." Trinity now seemed more awake, but her eyes still looked tired.


"But if you come in and tell me, I can get her notes..." Trinity took a step back, gesturing with her arm for me to come in.

Slowly, I walk in.

I didn't like this.

Sometimes a supercomputer has its doubts.

I went and sat on the couch, trying not to get too comfortable.

"What notes do you need..?" She asked, leaning on the back of the couch.

"Biology." I mutter.

"Alright, hold up a second." Trinity walked over into another room.

~Trinity's POV~

Heading into my own room, I go over and grab the gun underneath my bed.

I have a conceal carry permit- don't worry.

Sighing slightly, I look at the gun.

Did I have to do this?


~Eric's POV~

I watched as she walked back in with some papers.

I could already sense the gun nestled in her other hand.

She thought she could trick me?

She was very wrong.

Getting up, I quickly sprint over, and grab her wrist as she tried to bring the gun up.

"Wrong move, honey."

{{cliff hangers- I love 'em, Y'all hate 'em- heh-

Bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

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