=Chappie 4=

981 46 39

~Squip/Eric's POV~

I walked into the office, having made the proper...adjustments....outside.

The girl at the desk looked up and smiled at me- although I could tell this was a tired smile.

"Hey, I got here late and wanted to know my dorm number..." I mumbled, acting the part of a late and shy college student.

"Of course! What's your name, so I can search it up."

"Scorpio Black." The girl raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything as she typed the name into the computer.

"...and there you are! Okay, you've got room 22B, in the Holland building." She handed over a key, and I took it, nodding my head.

"Can I ask another question?" I wanted to know which dorm was (Y/N)'s.

"Sure. I'm gonna have to be here for a bit longer, so.." She shrugged her shoulders, the smile waning a bit.

"Do you know which dorm (Y/N) (L/N) is in?"

"Are you a relative of her?"

"Old friend. She said she was coming here, and I wanted to meet up...but I kinda lost track of time."

"Okay..." The girl typed into the computer again, and I waited, leaning against the counter.

"Alright... (Y/N) is in 24B....with Kat. She's a nice girl, so I can see why she roomed with her."

I nod and thank her, leaving the office and breathing in the cool, crisp November air.

Now I know where she is.

But I won't talk to her tonight.

I'll wait.

{{Im_A_General I needed a name and then I thought about your x reader sO- that happened-

bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

Eric Who? I Only Know Squippy. {Squip X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now