=Chapter 12=

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~Eric's POV~

I waited for hours, sitting on her couch. During the wait, I had looked through (Y/N)'s things, and was happy to see that some things never change.

But what worried me was the blades.

Simple razor blades.

In a baggie hidden under all of her clothes.

They had the look of old, dried blood on them.

Why would she do that to herself?

Harm her beautiful and precious body?

She must stay with me; I can prove to her that she is beautiful, that she is loved, that she doesn't need the blades, that she can get through whatever is happening, because




And I will not hesitate to show my love- or to hurt those that made her believe that the blades were the only way to cope.

I heard the door unlock, and I looked up, keeping quiet.

"Alright, go, go, don't worry about me- I'm probably gonna try to study and fail, instead looking for tumblr valentines and shit."

It's her!

My (Y/N)!

My love, my angel, my heavenly virtue, my unforgivable sin, my treasure, my jewel, my everything.

I realize then that I still look like Scorpio, so I change back to myself just as (Y/N) walks in.

There was a beat of silence.


{{yeee- and- I love all of you- when I wrote Eric's part about the reader, I wrote from my heart. You don't need the blades- you can find other ways to cope. You are loved, you are wanted, you are cared for, and with this caring, you can get through this- you can get through it all.

Bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

Eric Who? I Only Know Squippy. {Squip X Reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz