Life of a Karman - The Park

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I felt like writing... So I did. Counting Colors was at one point going to be a single story for me, but then my partner came back. I was in a writing mood and I felt like writing this. I feel like it came out successful, kinda shows you what a Karman is.

Vote, Comment, and Fan if you enjoy <3

Edited by AmbersAshes



Chapter Three:

                 I trailed along the icy-covered sidewalk slowly until I heard some squealing. I raised my eyebrow cautiously as I looked up into a heavily forested area. I brushed my hands down my sides and into my pockets and continued to walk the familiar trail.

                I hopped down off of the curb and quickly shuffled to the other side of the street without falling again. I placed one foot on the curb into the snow and pushed myself up with a loud crunch.

                I glanced back up in front of me to see a small path leading down into the forest. I let myself glide down the path slower than before and took a deep breath. Steam came crawling out of my mouth and I blew it away.

                More squealing came from down the path. A small laugh escaped my mouth as I looked back up to where it came from. A miniature park was located in the center of the forested area and in the park were a pair of kids throwing snow balls at each other.

                A little girl picked up a large clump of snow and started to pat it into a little ball. She clutched onto the ball with her life as a boy, a few years older than her, threw a snowball past her shoulder.

                The girl laughed and ran away behind a small mound of snow after she chucked the snowball at the boy. He was hit straight in the chest.

                I let a small laugh come out of my mouth. The kids both turned their heads to look at me with a puzzled expression. I waved softly at them and they turned away obliviously and continued to pick on each other.

                While scampering to a bench, I pulled out my phone. "Scott..." I whispered to myself as a reminder. I flipped the phone open with my thumb and sat down on the cold bench. I scrolled through my contact only to see the two names of the kids : Bethany and Mark Jones. Not Scott.

                I frowned. I stuck my phone higher in the air in weak attempts in finding the boy. I pushed myself off of the bench and started shuffling through the snow, sticking out my phone into various directions.

                I let out a frustrated sigh and kicked the snow. It was a few minutes until 10:42.

                "Can't find signal?" A call came across from the other direction from the park. I snapped my phone closed and turned seek out the person who spoke.

                I pressed my hand against the top of my eyes to peer over to the other side to see a teenage boy with a shovel.  He was walking through the park to get closer to me.

                I forced a smile to my cheeks and dropped my hand. I slipped my phone into my pocket slowly and waved. "Yeah, troubles." I nodded in agreement. "Can't find signal anywhere."

                He walked closed to me and stopped in front of me with a loud crunch. "Must not be much down here in the park." He smiled and gestured to the two kids. "These your siblings or something?" He asked.

                "Nah..." I watched the kids continue to play with the snow, "However I'm impressed how tolerant they are with the cold air." The teenager in front of me smiled and nodded.

                "What are you doing down here then?" He dropped the shovel down next to him and glanced up at the sky.

                "Just a walk." The lie easily slipped through my mouth with plenty of practice.

                "Ahh." He simply said and fidgeted with the snow shovel.

                The silence echoed awkwardly between us. I lifted my hand to my face and rubbed my cheek to warm it up slightly.

                "What's your name?" I asked to break the silence.

                He glanced over at me and stuck out his hand to me. "Scott. Scott Eden."

                I smirked and kept my relief of finding him inside. I found him, I exclaimed in my head.

                Scott shook his hand out in front of me and laughed softly. "Anyone in there?" Scott said.

                "Errr..." I started awkwardly and placed my hand in his, shaking it softly. "Vanessa Willow. Call me Nessa."

                Scott nodded and smiled "Nice to meet you Nessa, but I should probably get back to shoveling."

                I nodded in understanding and smiled. "Quite alright. I'll see you around then , Scott?"

                "Sure thing." Scott grinned and picked up his shovel, heading back over to where he came from.

                I quickly reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. The time read 10:42, just in time. I found his name under my contacts before he went out of distance and started typing. 'Karma 3 Reward' I typed to the strange number. I pressed my finger on the send button.

                I watched Scott for a couple of seconds before my phone started to vibrate again. I opened the phone with my thumb and saw the new message symbol. I opened the message from the number I just sent to and read the response: "Accepted."

                I grinned at the success and lifted my head back up to watch Scott again.

                The best part about being a Karman was watching the reward or punishment actually come into play. Occasionally, the Karman was actually involved  in it, however we only knew that we were a part of it until after it happens. For example, Steph once thought that a victim of karma dropped twenty bucks and she tucked it into his pocket before he left.

                I watched patiently as Scott jumped up with surprise. I saw him reach his hand into his pocket and pull out his vibrating phone. He stared at it baffled and I saw him speak quietly to himself "I have signal...?" He said.

                Scott widened his eyes again and answered the phone, pressing it to his ear. "Rachel..?" He said. Scott then started speaking rapidly saying things like how he missed her too and he was glad she was coming back.

                I smiled and tucked my phone back into my pocket. I bathed in the feeling of success around me. I made my way carefully back up the path to the street and patted my leg softly. I crunched as I stepped through the snow and I continued to walk up the path.

                I kicked some snow and shuffled my feet as I reached the street. Cautiously, I walked on the side of the street heading back in the familiar direction of my home.  

Copyright © 2012 ChemistryOfLife

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