Life of a Karman - Follower

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  • Věnováno Arrietty Auditore

D'aww. Humor went up <3 #930. I was so well. Maybe I'll get back down? S'okay. means nothing to me, just pride! ^-^ Well, heres chapter 12. Be sure to send to your friends and what not <3.

Vote, Fan, Comment :3 You know. <3333

Later I might post another picture I edited for Life of a Karman. (I get bored, don't hate!)

~Lots of Love, Chem


Chapter 12:

"I-- N-no. We're not.." I stuttered.

Jessica's stubborn.

She squealed and wrapped her arms around both of our necks.

"Come come! If you wanted popularity, Nessa. You've got it!" Jessica grinned.

Then someone cleared their throat.

"Ooh.. I better go..." Jessica backed off and whimpered away.

Alan blinked and watched Jessica before a voice came from behind us

"Where's she going..?" He leaned over to me lightly and whispered. I assume that people were listening in on us.

I was right.

"Alan." A sharp female voice came from behind us.

I turned around lightly and looked at the person there. Caroline.

"Caroline..." Alan mumbled. He leaned away from me and turned around to face her.

Caroline glanced me up and down before snorting.  "Nessa, I didn't think you were such a sleaze." She raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Excuse me?" I stated, as politely and as forced as possible.

"You heard me, you ... skank." Caroline hissed at me.

"Caroline." Alan barked at her. She turned her head and looked up at him. "Don't speak to her like that."

"Don't tell me what to do, you have no right." Caroline snarled.  

"I do have a right," He said. "My right is knowing that I picked so poorly that you would look down on me. How could you think I would stoop so low to cheat on you, Caroline?"

"I didn't think, but I saw."

"You saw nothing. What you saw was me getting a lift to help out a friend. What you see now is a friend letting me stay at her place so I'm not homeless from something that you put on me."

I stepped back. I didn't really want to choke on the ashes and smoke that were slowly forming around the flames between the two.

"You-" Caroline lowered her voice and hissed to him, "-Cheated on me."

"I saved her life from a mugging." He gestured to me. "I just had the decency to take her home safely with her sister."

Caroline glared at me, but Alan continued.

"I never cheated on you, Caroline." He stated.

I slid back further away.

"But if you think I was so low to do that to you, Care, then I'm not so sure we should be together."

Let's just say, the hallway was very, very quiet.

Caroline stood her ground well, I'll say. She glared up at Alan and crossed her arms.

That is, she stood her ground until she ran away.

I think it's safe to say that Alan won this round.

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