Life of a Karman - One on One

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Okay. I'm actually writing my authors not before I even write the chapter because I have a lot running through my head (And I don't want to forget later..)

I went back through some of the chapters in which I left undedicated and dedicated them to some of my fans who made a big impact to me :3 Or just stood out to me. (So go back and check if you want!)

I logged online Wattpad after a nice... 12 hour drive and scrolled down to this story. First of all, 550+ Views. I know to a few of you that means like.. nothing, but it means a lot to me. When I first wrote this story I honestly assumed it would be just for me because the plot can be very confusing (Or atleast what a Karman is can be confusing). But apparently, it's a very creative and detailed plot that few would have thought of, so I'd like to say thanks <3 I don't care how many views this story gets, because I have more than one viewer that's engrossed into this story and that alone will keep me writing this.  

I typed all that and didn't even mention what I wanted to say... ANYWAY.. I logged on Wattpad and noticed my story made Humor #599. That's freaking impressive. I looked it up, you know. Curious. I'm between two books that have more than 100,000 views AND I'm on page 40 out of 100 pages. Here I was thinking I was probably on one of the last few chapters. Well, let's try to bump that up a bit, shall we? :3

If you like this story, send it to your friends <3 be sure to Fan, Comment, and Vote. Because I like votes, and I'll write sooner. (And Nessa will be happy).

P.S. Sorry for the long A/N :D

P.S.S. ----> Song on the side :D Fine By Me by Andy Grammer.

~Lots of Love, Chem


Chapter Ten:

I dropped the last box that Alan grabbed from his house into his room and panted. I bent over and leaned my elbows on my knees.

"I swear on my little life you did not pack this much stuff." I huffed between breaths. I sat down on top of the box and wiped sweat from my forehead.

"Do not swearith on thy self, my fare lady!" Alan gasped and held his hand to his chest.

"Nice use of Shakespeare." I smirked and glared at him. "But really." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just really strong, you don't know my limits." His ego got the best of him as he laid back on his bed with a proud smirk. I threw the closest thing to me at him, which happened to be a basketball.

"Oof!" The ball bounced against his stomach and he grabbed it before it could bounce off of him. "Fine!" He stuck out his tongue. "You were very... distracted, I made multiple trips."

"That sounds more like it." I stood up and knelt down next to the box I was just sitting on. "Now let's see what's in these boxes..."

"I'll unpack them later." Alan shrugged and kicked his legs up on the bed.

"You sure?"

"Positive." He glanced down at me. "Come on up on this luscious green bed. Doesn't it just remind you of-"

"Puke and vegetables?" I stated and stuck out my tongue at the thought.

"I was going to say nature, but nice mind set you have." He raised his eyebrow at me.

I laughed and stood up. I walked around to the other side of the bed and plopped myself down next to him. I stared up at the ceiling and noticed little patches of the wall chipping off.

Life of a KarmanWhere stories live. Discover now