Life of a Karman - Old Times

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So, I'm sure some of you are like "WHY IS THIS NOT FUNNY? IT SAYS HUMOR" Well. It's not funny really, yet. :3 You'll understand more later. Just.. Shh.. trust me...

I think this might be one of my longest chapters EVER xD Oh well. More later.

No song or anything as of right now.

Vote, Comment and Fan if you enjoy <3 Off to play facebook games.

Edited by AmbersAshes



Chapter Five:

                 I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled. I tilted my head up and looked at my face in multiple directions before tucking my thin blonde hair into a soft bun at the top of my head.  I gave myself one final look at myself before heading out of my room.

                I pulled the door closed and stared at my door. I followed the designs on the wood door with my eye and slid my finger down it before I started to stroll down the hall. I slid my finger against the wall and glanced at the guest room across from my room. Next to the Guest room was my sister's room and next to my room was the bathroom. My mother's room was on the main floor.

                I stepped over to Steph's room and knocked on the door. "Steph..." I called. No response.

                Was she gone?

                "Steph!" I slammed my hand against the door. I heard some shuffling from inside of her room and I started to smirk.

                The door pulled open to expose my baffled, brown-haired sister. She stared at me with a lazy gaze, her clothes very untidy.

                "Either you have company or you just woke up." I stated.

                Steph glared at me and rubbed her bed head. "Choice B." She said and glanced down the hall. "Mom awake?" She asked after she glanced back at her clock that read 11:04 AM.

                "Soon, I'm sure." I stated. Today was Sunday; my mom's lazy day. "And good morning to you too."

                Steph nodded and leaned against her door slightly. She started to close it. "Give me twenty minutes and I'll meet you downstairs. Then you can tell me what you want."

                I nodded and started to turn away as she closed the door behind me. Once I heard the door click, I stopped walking.

                What did I want to do today? Should I really involve her in something she might hate?

                I stretched softly and let my back pop before I shuffled my way to the stairs. I dropped down each step with a loud thud and took my time.

                The couch screamed for me to lay down on it, but my stomach screamed at me to go eat. I reached my hand up and laid it on my stomach before I turned to head to the kitchen.

                While I rummaged through the cabinet and pulled out some bread, I pulled out both of my phones.  I stared at my phones and grabbed my personal phone.

                The two phones I had were similar to one another in case question came out. I flipped open my personal phone and dialed a familiar number. I placed the phone to my ear to hear an eager squeal.

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