Life of a Karman - Sweet, Sweet Revenge

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"Go away..." I groaned softly as something brushed into my side. It was obvious  that someone was trying to wake myself up, subtly I suppose.

But, as expected, they kept rubbing my side. A strange method to wake me up, but efficient enough.

"What part of go away don't you understand?" I groaned.

I flailed my arm out to the person, pushing them away. Then I was pinched.

"Ow!" I sat up and yelled. "What the hell was that f-"

 I stopped talking as I found myself face to face with not a person, but a cat.

Alan's cat, Lex.

I started to laugh and rub my neck. "Oh," I murmured and smirked. "Forgot about you."

Lex wasn't very happy. She was glaring up at me with blood on her mouth. Blood?

I glanced at my arm and saw two puncture marks on my arm, where she bit me.

The pinch...I reminded myself and rubbed my arm softly. Blood only broke through in one spot, but none the less I should ask Alan if she was clean.

I glanced over at my clock and widened my eyes. The numbers 12:09 were blinking in my eyes.

"I'm late!" I shrieked and pushed my blanket off of my bed. Lex went went it.

After a loud thud, an angered hiss came from the floor. I started to laugh as I saw Lex trying to squirm her way out of the tangled blankets.

Eventually, Lex managed to excape from  the blankets and flicked her tail in annoyance. She marched right up to me and bit my big toe before walking out through my partially cracked door.

"Ow!" I screamed again and flopped myself down on the bed. I pulled my big toe up to examine it.

"Nessa?" Steph pushed my bedroom door fully open and looked in. She noticed my posture and gave me a body scan. "You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, Lex bit me." I murmured.

"Oh. Good." Steph grinned and skipped her way into my room. She made herself comfortable as she plopped down next to me on my bed. "Sit normally." She demanded and pushed my knee down off of the bed. I reluctantly let my legs drop.

"There, see?" Steph clapped her hands together. "Now you're sitting..." She paused, noticing my legs spread apart. "Sort've... ladylike."

"Get on with it, Steph." I moaned.

"I've taken care of your missions for far too long!" Steph whimpered and shoved an envelope in my hand before running out.

Shoot, I forgot about these...

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. It's my job. It's not something I can avoid. I told myself as I opened my envelope

"Whos fate shall I decide today?" I murmured to myself. I pulled out the letter and frowned.  'Strange..' I stared at the letter, it was placed in the envelope sloppily. My follower must be slacking. I smirked.

1:58, Gegamart, Unknown Actions.

"The name...?" I spoke out loud. "God, Carman, where's the name of my victim?" I grinded my teeth together in frustration.

"How could you be so stupid?" I spoke to the letter. I shook the letter around a bit in my hand before I noticed in clear print at the bottom.

Caroline Tucker.

A grin crossed my face.

Caroline Tucker.

I laughed with excitement. "Finally!" I exclaimed to myself.  That bitch gets revenge. I smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2012 ⏰

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