Life of a Karman - Welcome Home

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"...What?" Alan stared at me. 

Dead silence flew between us as the wind tossed the snow around.

"You heard what I said..." I crossed my arms stubbornly and scrunched up my nose from the cold.

Why did I say that? I don't know Alan. I mean, sure he saved me from being robbed and possibly from losing my life. But, did I really want to let him live with me for however long? Not to mention what my mom's going to say...

"Why...?" He stared at me, motionless.

"Because..." I glanced away from him and around the school yard. The yard was mostly cleared out except for the occasional kid sitting on a rock, waiting. "Because I'm a good person." I stated.

Alan dropped his mouth open to talk but I quickly cut him off. "It's fine, let's just go. Okay?" I rubbed my arms softly and started to walk to the road. Steph should be waiting there.

"Nessa." He practically whispered. I looked over my shoulder and saw him holding up my bag. Whoops.

"Thanks..." I said as he ran up to me. He shrugged softly; I could tell he was in no mood to play friendly. I wouldn't be nice either to the person who caused this whole mess.

When Steph's blue car came into view, I waved to her. I saw her faintly smile and wave back, but then she paused. She pushed open the car door and crossed her arm from the cold, looking over at me. She saw Alan and gave me a confused look.

I waved my hand and she sat down in the car. Alan looked over at me and frowned, "Your mom's going to kick me out." He gestured to the car.

I busted out laughing. "No!" I exclaimed. "She's my sister!" A wide grin crossed my face as a smirk crossed Alan's.

"My bad." He laughed and shrugged.

"Don't-" I gasped for air. "-Don't tell her you said that!" He nodded obediently and stopped next to Steph's car. 

I leaned down and opened the back seat, sliding to the far side. "You can sit in the front." I said.

Alan raised his eyebrow and sat down next to me in the back. I looked over at him and stared at him confused.

"Well, It'd be rude of me to sit in the front." He was proud of his answer. I let his ego be. 

"So..." Steph adjusted her rearview mirror to see us before she turned the car back on. "Why's Alan here?" She asked.

I waved my hand and pulled my bag onto my lap. "I'll explain later." I stated.

Alan rubbed his cheek and groaned. I turned to him. "Left my car back at school..." He laughed softly to himself. "I'll get it tomorrow." He stated.

The lonely rumble of the car ran between us as Steph drove home. I yawned softly and leaned back in my chair before something popped in my head.

"Hey Alan?" I said. He looked over at me. "Thanks for saving me yesterday."

"No problem." A smile crossed his face. 


"What the HELL were you thinking?!" My mother screamed at me in the kitchen. Steph pressed her forehead against the table and groaned, she clearly didn't see this coming.

"It was an accident!" I hissed at her.

When Alan, Steph, and I walked inside, my mother happened to be home early. She was worried about how I would be today at school from last night so she took a day off. She was surprised by Alan walking in, but she put him in the living room on the couch. He was currently watching television as my mother "politely" screamed at me in the kitchen.

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