Life of a Karman - Stephen

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Don't hate me. I was on vacation for like Dx Two weeks! I'm sorry it's so late. Heres the next chapter. Maybe sometime soon I'll start doing the "I'll only post if I get so many votes" etc etc. :D

I think this is the most exciting chapter, and it's finally starting to pick up pace! D< Woot woot? :3 All of the other chapters before were just informational (Because this plot is so freaking confusing. I'll probably have to go back and re-write a bit just to make sure that everyone understands it) Sucks that everything before this is informational because people will read the beginning and be un-interested! But atleast now we're actually getting into the plot that's created in my mind <3

I'm going to dedicate this to Knightsrachel because I recently had been reading books (Actual. Published. Books. I know, what's wrong with me right?) and because I've been on vacation writing was pushed into the back of my head. Then I started reading one of Rachel's stories (Living with the Walker Boys) Which is fantastic, and It reminded me of Life as a Karman :3 So I wanna say thanks for reminding me to write (Whoops!)

But either way I'm back, yeah? Don't forget to Vote, Fan, and Comment if you enjoy <3

Edited by AmbersAshes

~Lots of Love, Chem


Chapter Seven:

I paused and glanced over my shoulder swiftly. I narrowed my eyes and made out a soft dark figure through the snow.

"Excuse me, you over there!" A male voice called again. He started to frantically wave his arms around in the air, obviously looking at me.

A soft frown crossed my face as I crossed my arms. I turned around to face the man hesitantly as I looked up at him. He quickly ran over to me, puffs of air escaping his mouth.

While he caught his breathe, I jumped in to talk.

"Who are you...?" I asked carefully. I slid my boot around in the snow and looked back up to study his face.

He had a very defined face. I noticed small clumps of brown hair escaping his dark hoodie as he looked down at me. He looked to be in his thirties.

The man lowered his hands down to his knees and knelt over lightly. He looked back up at me with a worried face.

"I need your help." He spoke quickly.

I stared back at him and smiled softly. I didn't mind helping the man, but it was cold! I also didn't have the heart to say no.

He looked up at me expectantly and I rolled my eyes ever so slightly. I nodded my head softly as a smile crossed his face.

"What do you need help with?" I asked.

He pushed himself off of his knees and gestured for me to walk ahead of him.

I fell into a steady rhythm in front of him and crossed my arms. He sped his pace to be about next to me, but slightly behind.

"My car..." He started off saying. I nodded and glanced back at him.

"What about it?" I pressed.

"It's..." He paused, "Broken."

A small smile crossed my face. "I'm sure it's not broken, but I also don't think that I'm the person to help you. I'm not so great with cars, let alone electronics." I grimaced at the memory when I first received my Karman Phone, I was clueless on how to use it. Steph had to go through a step-by-step with me on what to do.

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