Life of a Karman - Neddies

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I'm *Sniffle* Very HAPPY! <3 This mean's absolutely nothing to half of you, but I'm just happy that I made it past 1,000. Such a small goal, yet I'm so HAPPY. <3

It's sad sometimes that I feel like I don't know my own readers. As... Cliché as this sounds, I do write quicker if I have comments. If it's a simple "I love your story" comment or predictions or anything, I write quicker. I get notifications when someone writes a comment and it makes me feel happy so I want to write more for them :D! So comment. <-<

I love you all~ Enjoy the chapter!

Lots of Love, Chem.


Chapter Fifteen:

"You know..." I murmured softly.

"Mmhmm?" Alan grunted and drove slower.

"You didn't have to blindfold me." I huffed and crossed my arms tightly across my chest. I pressed my lips together to form a thin, and frustrated, appearance.

"But what fun would that be?!" Alan exclaimed.

I leaned against the window as the car turned and stopped. I listened to him change the gears of the car into park and jingle with the keys. The rumbling from the car stopped at the same moment the jingling stopped.

I reached my hand up to my blindfold only to find it smacked away.

"No touchie!" Alan exclaimed.

I continued my pout.

"Pouty pants..." Alan grumbled and pulled the blindfold off. He dropped the fabric onto my lap.

I blinked and let my eyes adjust to the new light from outside. The snow always was bright when the sun reflects off of it.

I grabbed the blindfold and looked down at it.

"Is this one of your shirts?" I asked.


"How long has it been in your car?"

"A while."

"Was it filthy?"


I threw the shirt at him.

"You're lucky I'm not making you eat that thing for dinner..." I grumbled. As I stepped out of the car, I heard laughter muffle out from behind  his shirt.

Alan stood up out of the car after me and locked it. He pushed his hands into his pockets and walked around to the other side of the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked

The neighborhood, I suppose we could call it, was empty.

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