Life of a Karman - Back to School

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I have a feeling a LOT of you will like this chapter, especially my editor AmbersAshes xD! I wrote this chapter laughing and EXCITED. I just love this chapter, by far one of my favorites yet. It's so freaking awesome... I just.. you guys will love this.

Don't forget to fan, vote, and comment if you enjoy <3 Please? I could use some tips on stuff.

Edited by AmbersAshes

~Lots of Love, Chem


Chapter Eight:

I grumbled softly as I tossed in my sleep. I felt my nose press up against the cold wall before I shrieked. I sat up and panted softly, pressing my hand to my mouth. I pressed my hand to my toe and grimaced slightly at the pain that shot through my foot. It was then that I remembered the events from last night.

I pulled the blanket off of myself hastely and stared down at my foot. There was a white bandage thatwas tightly wrapped around it stained with red. I frowned softly in frustration. 

"Steph!" I called out. I paused for a minute and listened for any response. Soon I heard thumping across the carpet and doors being slammed. Then my door flew open. 

"Nessa!" Steph screamed. I widened my eyes and covered my ears, falling to the side lightly. Steph looked at me and grinned sheepishly. "How are you?" She strolled over to me and sat at the edge of my bed. 

"Yes... Where's that one boy?" I blinked and thought back to last night, trying to remember his name. 

"Alan? Oh. I drove him home." Steph said. She stared at me, accepting with this answer. I was not. 

"And? You have to elaborate, not letting you get off so easily..." I grumbled, "After all, I was shot in the foot." 

Steph held up her finger and pointed it at me, "First off, you were shot in the toe, and even then it skimmed your skin. You barely have a scratch." She then pushed a second finger up. "And second off, you have school." 

I widened my eyes and glared at her. "You have got to be kidding me." I grumbled. 

"Yup! You have an hour till I take you. Because I want to take you today!" Steph squealed. "Are you excited?" 

"Not in the slightest, now tell me what happened last night after I fell asleep." I paused and mumbled "At least I hope I fell asleep..." 

"You did." Steph brushed off my worries and started in on the description of last night. "So... after you left," She paused. "I waited patiently until it was about the time of my mission." She tilted her head lightly and thought about last night. "Then... I drove the car around a bit until I saw a man get punched and fall to the ground next to a van." She started to laugh and rub her knee. "At first I thought Stephen was Alan because Alan punched him. I whipped out my phone and rated him as a five, I think. Course it was accepted. And then I got a text from Robby and he was so-" 

"Steph." I cut her off. I didn't want to hear about her ex-boyfriend, again. "Continue..." I pressured. 

"Oh." Steph laughed and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Then Alan reached in and pulled you out of the van. I thought he was kidnapping you! I regretted giving him a five and wished I gave him a ten... Then I yelled at him, and yada yada yaaaada..." She paused. "He told me about what happened in the car, I thanked him. Got you home and in bed. He told me that he actually left his car on that street so I drove him back to that street and the police were there arresting Stephen. My Karman must have called the police." She concluded. 

I stared at her blankly and squeezed my leg. "Wait, your Karman didn't have him punch that man?" I asked. 

"Nope." Steph said and stood up. She turned to me and grinned. "Now go get ready, you have a day of school ahead of you." 

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