"I'll get more paint"

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Ali's pov

"Can't repeat the past? Why of course you... excuse me for a minute" I say to my class

I quickly walk out the class shutting the door behind me

"Hey gorgeous. How'd did it go?"

"Good they'll be moved into Mrs McPhee's class on Monday"

"Great" I say, while watching my class through the glass panel in the door

"I found out something when I was there"


"It's not only Mrs Tanner's grandson who we know. We also know her daughter"

"Detective Tanner?" I ask turning my head away from the door, to face Emily

"Yeah, it explains a lot doesn't it?"

I look back into my class and watch as one of my students hits another over the head with a book. A fight breaks out and I have to quickly run back into my class to stop them

"Shit. Sorry Em, I'll talk later" I say, just before I open my classroom door

"Stop it. Right now" I achieve the classes attention

"You two, go straight to the Principal's office" I shout, pointing at the boys who were wrestling on the floor

"Go, or I'll deal with you myself" I scream; still pointing at the door

They jump off the floor and run to the principal's office. Guess I am scarier than Principal Hackett, I laugh to myself

"What does the green light represent?" I ask the class, quickly trying to move on

Emily's pov

Tomorrow couldn't come any sooner, Fridays are always the best day for me. I have 4 classes back to back and then leave at lunch time. Ali works 9 till 3 everyday so I drive home, clean our house then pick Lily and Grace up, I get Alison outside RHS and then every Friday we meet Aria, Hanna, Spencer and their kids at the brew.

"Has anything fun happened this week?" Hanna asks

"Mommy sweared at Mrs Tanner"

"She what?" Spence asks

"Emily called Lily and Grace's teacher a bad word" Ali sniggers

"Omg what did you call her?" Hanna laughs

"An ugly old bitch" Grace says emotionlessly

All our jaws drop and a lump of shock forms in my throat, choking me

"Grace that is a bad word, that shouldn't be repeated" Aria tells her

"But Mom said it"

"Well your mom shouldn't have said that. Promise you won't repeat that again" Aria firmly but kindly says

"I promise Aunt Aria" Grace sighs, sticking out her bottom lip and wrapping her pinky around Aria's

"Anyone one else got a story?" I ask, trying to move on

"I do" Hanna says - delicately bouncing Conrad up and down with her legs

"I'm pregnant" she cheers

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