Authors note

803 11 13

50k reads!!! I am so grateful for everyone who has read my hella long story. I have had exams back to back and have fallen behind with chapters but I should be back soon.

I was wondering what you guys would think of a week marathon of chapters, since I am taking time to study for exams I was thinking that to catch up on my chapters; on the week beginning on the 5th of June I could upload a chapter everyday until the 12th and then go back to my usual two chapters a week. Until I reach my 100th chapter when I will end my story exactly one year after it started- 18th of July

Thank you for all the support and please tell me if you would read my "marathon" or if you would like me to write about a specific thing

P.S. I'm absolutely fucking ecstatic that the Perfectionists has officially been picked up for a series💖💖💖

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